Business Cause





A "business cause" refers to a noble purpose or mission that drives a company beyond mere profit-making. It imbues the business with a higher meaning, making it more human, valuable, vibrant and connected to its stakeholders – employees, customers, investors, partners, and society.

A great business cause inspires. It turns employees to impact crusaders and motivates them to give their best to the company.


Business Cause

How To Turn a Cause to a Crusade

Business Crusade

Launch a Business Crusade

Fast Company

Fast To Market




Examples of Winning Business Causes





Business e-Coach

"To create a virtual environment inspiring entrepreneurial creativity and innovation."

Innompic Games

"To boost challenge-based learning, creative collaboration, and visionary unity rapidly and joyfully."

Walt Disney

"To build a place to make people happy."


"To develop an enjoyable entrepreneurial environment inspiring innovation, creative exchanges, and fun-driven competition and helping creative achievers grow and shine."

Charles Schwab

"To be the most ethical and useful financial services company in the world."


"To create a world of Telepizza citizens."





"To build a global medium as central to people's lives as the telephone or television, only more useful."


"To build stores where the common person could buy the same stuff as rich people."

  Business Cause - Lessons from Business Legends


Business Cause Business Success 360 rapid learning course by VadiK  

Southwest Airlines

"To free the skies." Despite its ever-increasing size, Southwest Airlines has managed to maintain a strong, purposeful, and inspiring culture in which every employee is still on a crusade to free the skies. No employee shows up for work just to "do a job."

The Southwest Airlines vision is so strong that every employee is a crusader of freedom.





"To democratize communications and change the world."


Strategic Motivation

Provide the Strategic Direction