Glossary: Master Keys





Higher World

Intrapresonal  ▪  Spiritual  ▪  Transcendental






Intrapersonal Higher World

Intrapersonally, Higher World is incubated by Higher Self and characterized by a higher purpose, higher sense, super-conscious thinking, divine enlightenment, highersight, and higher creativity.


Higher Self

Higher Self quotes

Life is God




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) innovator venturepreneur trainer speaker

Silence your ego if you want to hear your higher self.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Higher Self vs. Lower Self

Higher sense is a function of higher self; common sense is a function of lower self.

Higher creativity is missionary; lower creativity is pragmatic.

Highersighted one sees farther; insightful one sees deeper.





Spiritual Higher World

is associated with various philosophical or religious beliefs that posit the existence of realms beyond human perception.


Laws of the Universe

Eastern vs. Western Philosophy




Transcendental Higher World

refers to a concept of ultimate reality or existence that transcends the physical universe, suggesting a spiritual or metaphysical dimension.


Cosmic Unity

