Innovation A-Z/360
DOs and DON'Ts of a Successful Innovator
Peter Drucker
Analyze the opportunities
Go out to look, to ask, to listen
Keep it simple, keep it focused
Start small – try to do one specific thing
Think big – aim at market leadership
Don't try to be too clever
Don't diversify, don't splinter, don't try to do too many things at once
Don't undershoot, or you will simply create an opportunity for competition
Don't try to innovate for the future
For in-company ventures in an established business, insulate the new venture from the main business.
10 Commandments of Innovation
9 Maxims of Venturing
Succeed by playing InnoBall
10-part Successful Strategies of 7 World-changing Firms
3 Success Stories of Innompic Startups
IG as a Civilizational Breakthrough
Apple's 10-3-1 Design Process
Disney's Creativity Strategy
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