


Millennial Work Ethic Versus Tradition


Knowing People




Traditionally speaking a new generation hasn’t always ushered in a new attitude or approach to the working world, at least not in terms of a monumental impact. Millennials however, have certainly created a seismic shift in terms of the culture regarding the workplace and business. Whilst their parents’ generation created waves of change, millennials and the introduction of the internet have caused a tsunami and their entire ethic around work couldn’t be more different from that of their grandparents.





Broadly speaking millennials are those born between 1980-1994, and whilst brought up in a more analogue world, they were the babies of the digital revolution and here is how their work ethic contrasts with the traditional approach.

The Hustler Spirit

With this generation there is very much the idea of standing on your own two feet, and the internet has very much given way to that.

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Traditional institutions and career paths have been replaced with online startups, self-employment, blogging, remote working and ultimately, self-propelled hustling. Those with the desire to do so can create International businesses in a heartbeat, work for a quick dollar from clients around the world, get paid with ease via an international money transfer app and completely buck the trend of what working life has long been like.


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Lacking Job-Based Skills

With a newer and more open minded approach to business and jobs, there has been a fear among many that millennials often lack skills which can help them to forge careers in more traditional, yet necessary fields. Gone are the days of apprenticeships and a desire to perform manual labor, and this is something which could be having a damaging impact. Millennials are much more attracted to college degrees that their parents and grandparents, but a growing desire to be educated without a trade or specific job in mind has certainly left holes in the employment market.

The Pros and Cons Of An Open Mind

This is undoubtedly a tech-savvy generation which has helped to bring so many traditional job roles into a more digital world. Additionally the open-minded approach of so many has encouraged many industries to push forward and seek out new solutions. With this being said however, not every industry, job role or approach requires a modern upgrade. We only need to look at the disposal nature of products, given their reliance on low cost materials used in manufacturing, to see that the old ways are sometimes the best.




How Universities Can Bridge The Gap

Schools and universities have a huge role to play in bridging the gap between what was great about a traditional work ethic and the innovative, open-minded nature of the newer generations.

It is imperative that students are learning towards careers, and not just for the sake of a degree which serves little purpose without a job at the end of the road. The focus has to switch to imparting knowledge in order to encourage experts in a range of industries, and not just those who believe that an education and a touch of tech wizardry is enough to keep pushing the world forward.

There is certainly a fine balance which can be struck here to ensure that the sky blue thinking of millennials can be put to good use when coupled with a traditional ethos towards working.  



Author Bio:

Tricia Lee is a contributing writer at Sparkwebs, a Digital Marketing Agency. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel, dance, and read non-fiction.


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