Venture Financing:

Dealing with Banks

Documentation Required to Process a Commercial Loan

Have a Professional Business Plan


By Venture Planning Associates. Used by permission


As for what your business plan should include, our business banker Mr. Steve Morse of City Bank, Honolulu, Hawaii, offers these important business plan considerations:

  • Your business plan should include an extensive background section which should tell the lender what you're about, key personnel, stockholders, etc.;

  • A listing of experience and educational background information;

  • Nature of your business, i.e., what markets you service, product and services you sell, geographic territory, what your business does;

  • How you deliver your product/service to your customers;

  • Detailed financial analysis. This should include a 3‑5 year‑end financial statement, and audit or tax returns. Also, information should be supplied year to date. Make all projections realistic and make the banker understand you understand your business;

  • If you are applying for a loan, present a professionally prepared package. Make the package correspond to the nature of your business and loan requirements.