Change before you have to.  >>>   Jack Welch's Amazing Results



25 Lessons from Jack Welch GE (case study) Be Different and Make a Difference Change Management Business Innovation See Change as an Opportunity GE Case Studies


Jack Welch's 3Ss of Winning in Business


Why Change Fails: 8 Common Errors


How To Overcome Resistance to Change: 10 Tips


12 Leadership Roles


Inspirational Leader: 10 Roles


25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Lead    Articulate Your Vision

Harness Your People for Competitive Advantage

Make Everybody a Team Player

Get Less Formal    Eliminate Bureaucracy

Behave Like a Small Company  >>  Live Speed

Creating an Extraordinary Organization

Jack Welch Turns Managers to Leaders

GE Work-Out  >>  Goals    7 Steps

Top Management Team    GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey

Create Change  >>  Jack Welch Fires an Ineffective CEO


It's nonsense to fear change
Change is a big part of the reality in business. Too many managers believe that standing still is the safest business strategy. But it is not. The business environment is constantly changing. " New competitors. New products. Any business that ignores these facts is doomed to collapse."

Adapt your management style
"It's a
management style that forces people to change. The decision to make a change happens so fast that most people have little time to dwell upon their actions. All they know is that keeping an eye out for change is both exhilarating and fun."

Spark others to deal with change
Bring people into the change process. Start with senior managers and provide all managers with the tools and training they need to engineer and drive change throughout the company. "Start with reality... When everybody gets the same facts, they'll generally come up with the same business decisions." Prepare employees for change by incorporating the very concept into the values of the organization.

Deal with change in a proactive manner
Winners win because they aren’t afraid to make changes. They take on foes that scare others and never flinch. Reassess the situation constantly and change before you have to. "If the rate of change inside an organization is less that the rate of change outside... their end is in sight."  >>>

Defy tradition
Hold "
why do we do it that way?" meetings. Invite colleagues to contribute one idea on changing something important at the company. Don't be afraid to buck conventional wisdom. "Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while."

Think short-term and long-term change

"To truly stay one step ahead, devise one year and three-year plans based on different scenarios."

Reinvent your business constantl

Change never ends. Never stop thinking about the need for change. Prepare your company for perpetual change, make change a great constant.

"The goal may be the same, never-ending growth, but the tools and methods are constantly evolving. Start every day as if it were your first day on the job. Make whatever changes are necessary to improve things. Reexamine your agenda constantly. Rewrite it, if necessary. In that way, you avoid falling back on old habit."

Create Change

❶ Start each day as if it were your first day on the job... More


Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Smart ones recognize change.

Smarter ones anticipate change.

Smartest ones create change.

Vadim Kotelnikov


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Innovation is the ability to

see change as an opportunity – not a threat.

Steve Jobs
