One World One Way Many Paths cultural differences East vs. West  

See farther by standing on "the shoulders of giants"


On the soulders of giants


Confucius advice quotes on success


Confucius on Relationships






Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.


Help Others to Help Yourself




Tsze-Kung asked, saying, 'Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's life?" The Master said, "Is not Reciprocity such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others."


Universal Laws


Be a HOSTer



Confucius legacy and wisdom quotes

Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.




Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.


Confucius on Success



Confucius legacy and wisdom quotes

Recompense injury with justice, and
recompense kindness with kindness.




It is not the failure of others to appreciate your abilities that should trouble you, but rather your failure to appreciate theirs.


Confucius on Communication





Have no friends not equal to yourself.


Friendship Quotes



Confucius advice

Never give a sword to a man who can't dance.




A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?


Confucius on Governance




It is only the benevolent man who is capable of liking or disliking other men.


A Short Course on Relationship




Respect yourself and others will respect you.

It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.

When anger rises, think of the consequences.