Bhagavad Gita quotes

For one who has conquered his mind, a mind is best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, a mind is the greatest enemy.





Vadim Kotelnikov    

Five Main Functions of the Manager

Develop Yourself and Others


Guidelines for Improving Performance

  • Chose target results that "stretch" your abilities above and beyond your present limit... More

The Five Questions
Every Manager Should Periodically Ask About Himself

1. Who I am?

Measure Your Management Potential

Assess yourself of the four points below to identify area in which you should improve:

What have I done well in the past year?... More



Coaching at Work: Main Objectives



Achievement Management

NLP Solutions - New Technology of Achievement

Performance Management

Individual Performance Management

10 Steps to Develop Entrepreneurial Staff

Measuring Performance: The Executive Diagnostic Toolkit

Institutional Excellence

Learning Organization

Teaching Organization

Coaching Organization

Process-managed Enterprise

Effective Leadership

Results-based Leadership

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Managerial Leadership


Structuring a Coaching Session - the GROW Model

Instant Payoff Coaching

Knowing Yourself

Know your innate qualities - ask yourself: "Whether I produce results as a decision-maker or an adviser?" If you are not a Decision Maker, don't take decision-making assignments.

Understand your learning style: how you absorb information better – through seeing, reading or through listening? Knowing your style is the first thing to know about how you perform. Once you understand which is your naturally dominant learning style you are in a position to improve the way you perform. "Don't try to change yourself – it is unlikely to be successful. But work, and hard, to improve the way you perform. And try not to do work of any kind in a way you do not perform or perform badly", advised Peter Drucker.

Work Smart and Hard

The awareness of how we do what we do is the key to self-management and influence. Study what works for you and for others by practicing NLP technology of achievement principles in order to realize your true potential.  

Develop Yourself

Developing people starts with the self. Aim to be the kind of manager who gets the best from staff, and who does the best for them.  >>>

Leadership-Management Synergy 

Consider your values as well as your strengths, weaknesses, and personality. Carry out a Strength-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis on yourself.

Learning SWOT Questions

Do the feedback analysis to show you where your strengths and weaknesses lie.

Based on this information, form an action plan... More

Bottom-Up Learning

For a manager, acceptance of the status quo is deadly. You must demand honest and continuous feedback from your constituencies. Subject yourself to the 360 degree evaluation process: ask not only your supervisors, but also your employees, customers, and peers to rate your management performance. Promise anonymity to encourage honest opinions.

Develop Others

Developing people is achieved by careful, planned and motivational delegation of responsibility and duty. Trust and know your colleagues. Organizations are no longer built on force. They are built on empowerment and trust. Rather than relying on your powers, provide a spur, use the powers within people... More

The Tao of Leadership

Help Every Individual to Find the Right Fit

The manager's responsibility is to steer the employees towards roles where they have the greatest chances of success... More


One of the "hot" areas of personal, professional, and business development is coaching. The coaching is all about helping others to identify and define their specific goals, and then organize themselves to attain these goals. Coaching deals with building an individual's personal skills, from setting the goals, to communication to management style to decision making and problem solving. Coaches draw upon a client's inner knowledge, resources and creativity to help him or her be more effective... More


Peter Drucker advice

It is the vision and moral responsibility that, in the last analysis, define the manager.

Peter Drucker

Thought Leader

Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

People are just like uncut diamonds; they each have the potential for various kinds of brilliance, qualities which, if polished right, will shine radiantly.

Konosuke Matsushita




  1. The Practice of Management, Peter Drucker

  2. " Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices", Peter Drucker

  3. "The Frontiers of Management", Peter Drucker

  4. "Extreme Management", Mark Stevens