Barriers To Creativity and How You Can Be More Creative

A Whack on the Side of the Head

About the book by Roger von Oech





Over the years, the book A Whack on the Side of the Head has been praised by business people, educators, scientists, homemakers, artists, creative leaders, and many more. The book has been stimulating creativity in millions of readers, translated into eleven languages, and used in seminars around the world.

The book is filled with provocative puzzles, anecdotes, exercises, metaphors, cartoons, questions, quotations, stories, and tips designed to systematically break through the barriers to creativity and the mental blocks – the 10 "locks" which limit (if not preclude) creativity – and unlock your mind for creative thinking and creative problem solving.


3 Levels of Creativity

Yin and Yang of Creative Thinking

5 Boosters of Creativity

10 Secrets of Creativity

Strategic Creativity

Productive Creativity

Disney Creative Strategy





A Whack on the Side of the Head is a great mid-stretching material. It is valuable to executive in any organization which needs a culture within which to generate and then nourish fresh ideas and new perspectives.

The same is true of all self-employed people whose customers or clients wan to be more creative.

School, college, and university classroom teachers can also devise all manner of appropriate applications of von Oech's ideas.



SuperCreativity vs Creativity

SuperCreativity as a Dance of 3 Creativities

SuperConscious Creativity





About the Author

Roger von Oech is the founder of the Creative Whack company. Roger's definition of 'whack' is creativity.  He conducted creativity seminars with such companies as American Express, Apple Computer, AT&T, CBS, IBM, NBC, and NASA. Roger earned his doctorate from Stanford University in a self-conceived program in the history of ideas.