Constructive feedback
highlights how a person could do better next time.
Constructive feedback
needs to be delivered
empathetically, sensitively, in a non-judgmental way
Constructive feedback
should focus on the desired future state and performance improvement
strategies. |
Constructive Feedback Tips
learning SWOT questions: What internal strengths and weaknesses of the
player did his/her recent actions reveal? What external threats and
opportunities emerged?
Focus on the future – not the past. Jointly paint the picture of the desired
future state.
Focus on the problem, not the person. Uncover root problems by asking ‘Why?’
questions until you reach the root problem.
Don’t blame, inspire search for the best way out of the current situation.
Summarize. Clarify the current position and what to do next. Verify with
effective questions; ask for player's recap. |
Actionable Feedback
Customer Feedback
Employee Feedback
Motivational Coaching
GROW Model