Control your destiny, or someone else will

Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be

Be candid with everyone

Don't manage, lead

Change before you have to

If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete


Welch's 7 Points of Corporate Leadership

What It Takes To Be a Corporate Leader

Put Values First

Top Management Team

CEO Firing Story



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Lead more, manage less... Leading a big company means never allowing a company to take itself too seriously.

Jack Welch




Jack Welch advice business quotes

Cultivate leaders who have the four E's of leadership: Energy, Energize, Edge, and Execution.

Jack Welch




4Es of a Great Leader

Energy: have a tremendous personal energy

Energize: energize teams and don't intimidate them

Execution: be action-oriented and be focused on getting results

Edge: have a competitive edge and a will to win


The Role of a Leader


Live Speed

Leading Change

GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey



Jack Welch advice business quotes

The role of the leader is to express a vision, get buy-in, and implement it. That calls for open, caring relations with every employee, and face-to-face communication.

Jack Welch




Keep growing!