
Jack Welch advice business quotes  

  Lessons from Business Legends


Jack Welch



25 Lessons from Jack Welch

don't micromanage

Create a vision

Lead by example

Involve everyone


25 Lessons from Jack Welch Managerial Leadership Leadership-Management Synergy Jack Welch success story and quotes Lead Manage Less Articulate Your Vision Simplify Get Less Formal Energize Others Face Reality See Change as an Opportunitiy Get Good Ideas from Everywhere Follow Up Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements Get Rid of Bureaucracy Eliminate Boundaries Put Values First Create Learning Culture Harness Your People for Competitive Advantage Involve Everyone Make Everybody a Team Player Stretch Instill Confidence Make Business Fun Strategies of Market Leaders Be Number 1 or Number 2 Live Quality Constantly Focus on Innovation Small Company Ten3 BUSINESS e-COACH: global success Live Speed Cultivate Leaders Great Business Leader 25 Lessons from Jack Welch, GE - Stretch!


Jack Welch advice business quotes

What we are looking for are leaders at every level
who can energize, excite and inspire
rather than enervate, depress, and control.

Jack Welch




Leadership Excellence A-to-Z/360






Create a vision

Create a vision and then ignite your organization to make this vision a reality.

Get people so passionate about what they are doing that they cannot wait to execute this plan.

Have great energy, competitive spirit and the ability to spark excitement and achieve results.

Search for leaders who have the same qualities... More

Focus on strategic issues

Your job is to understand the strategic issues within each of your businesses where they are going around 5 Strategic Questions.

Know the talent they need to win in those markets and the amount of capital they need. And make bets.


Leadership e-Coach

Jack Welch as a Motivational Leader

Leader 360

What Leaders Are, Know and Do


Change-Leadership Perpetuum Mobile

Holistic Leadership

Inspirational Leader

Team Leader

Change Master




Jack Welch advice business quotes

Cultivate leaders who have the four E's of leadership: Energy, Energize, Edge, and Execution.

Jack Welch




Lead by example

To spark others to perform and cultivate leaders, you must lead by example. Jack Welch mastery of the four E's of leadership – Energy, Energize, Edge, and Execution – was always in evidence. He had amazing energy, sparked and energized others, had incredible competitive spirit, and had a great record of execution as a transformational leader. Had he been lacking in any of the leadership traits he preached, he would not have commanded such acclaim.

Don't micromanage

Managers muddle – leaders inspire. Leaders are people who inspire with clear vision of how things can be done better.

Your job is to see the big picture. Don't manage every detail. Don't get caught up in the minutiae or obsess over every detail, but instead inspire others to execute of your vision. Surround yourself with great people and trust them to do their job and contribute their best to the organization.

Involve everyone

Involve everyone and welcome great ideas from everywhere. Anyone can be a leader, just so long as they contribute, and the most meaningful way for anyone to contribute is to come up with a good idea.



Jack Welch advice business quotes

The hero is the person with a new idea. Business is all about getting the best ideas from everyone.

Jack Welch




New ideas are the lifeblood of the organization, the fuel that makes it run. There is simply nothing more important to an organization than expressing ideas and creating a vision.

Reward and celebrate new ideas to encourage others to want contribute as well.


Productive Creativity

Implementation of Ideas

Loose-Tight Leadership




SuperCreativity A-to-Z/360