
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Transformational Leader

Specific Roles, Traits and Skills

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Transformational Leader: specific roles, traits, skills, examples  

Transformational leadership is about providing a radically new focus, leading a disruptive-change journey, and inspiring implementation of radically new strategies, breakthrough ideas, and innovative growth models.

The transformational leader encourages followers by acting as a role model.




Example: Donald Trump

The top 3 masteries of Donald Trump as a transformational leader are defrosting the status quo, breaking rules, and bold actions.

Donald Trump also exhibits traits of a transactional leader who is ready to engage in practical efforts to achieve his goals.


Donald Trump as a Transformational Leader

8 Keys to Success as a Change Leader

World-changing Speech




Leadership Excellence A-to-Z/360






Specific Skills of Transformational Leaders





Leading Change

Successful transformational leaders know how to make big changes. They know why most change efforts fail and do their best to avoid these traps.

Transformational leaders synergize leadership and management roles to achieve best results in a holistic way... More

  Change Management - 3 Phases, 3 Masteries: Leader, Harmony Master Leadership e-Coach Harmony Master Leading Change Waltz Up  with Everything Emfographics Creative Destruction Emfographics Create Change Specific Skiils of a Transformational Leader: Change Management



Change Management A-to-Z





Winning Wisely

Successful transformational leaders know that every big change has many powerful enemies.

They know their enemies and prepare to win.

They win first, then jump in.

  Transformational Leadership: Know your enemies, The Art of War




Successful transformational leaders stay focused strategically on their vision but are flexible on their tactics.

They use a leadership style, methods, and tools appropriate to the context.


  Flexibility Reassess Your Past Decisions Pursuing Opportunities Taoism Dennis Kotelnikov Creating Change Life-Business Synergy Strategic Thinker Problem Solving: 4 Levels Success e-Coach Transformational Leadership: Benefits of Strategic Flexibility



Impactful Communicators

Successful transformational leaders are
result-oriented communicators.

They say little, but impactfully. They speak in a way that their listeners get inspired and energized.

  Transformation Leadeship Skills: impactful speaker inspire change