Hybrid Intelligence




VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

AI-powered Writing

Synergize human and artificial intelligence

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



3 Levels of Writing

Metaphorically speaking, artificial intelligence (AI) generates sand,
talented humans produce gold sand,
geniuses create pure gold.

  Hybrid Intelligence: Human vs. Artificial Intelligence in Writing




Strengths and Weaknesses of AI





AI is super-productive, but it doesn't possess such qualities of a genius writer as aeipathy, imagination, highersight, and supercreativity.

• AI is an all-seeing assistant but a blind thought leader.

• AI can produce tons of “artificial flowers” but no “live flowers”.

  Hybrid Intelligence: Limitations of AI




3 Levels and 3 Phases of AI-powered Copywriting

Chose your topic and jump in!





 ① Ask AI to collect relevant information and prepare a draft article. Treat this draft as a raw material and a source of inspiration.

② Add your own thoughts to turn the “sand” to “gold sand”.

③ Then start turning this “gold sand” to pure “gold”.

  AI-powered Writing - from sand through gold sand to pure gold


Valdim Kotelnikov, great writer, a loving creator

"Write little but impactfully. Write in a way that makes your audience want you to write more, not less."

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


After having finished the job, ask yourself: Is it pure gold or gold sand?

Remove all remaining sand, if any. "Poems should be written in such a way that if you throw a poem at a window, the glass will break," advised Daniil Kharms.





AI-powered Copywriting





Hybrid Intelligence: AI-powered Copywriting, human imagination





AI is a great helper that can boost productivity of a human copywriter. Human copywriters are far greater engagers because they have heart and soul who can talk with hearts and souls of readers. They can care and empathize passionately... More



AIDA Model

AI-powered Marketing





Examples of AI-assisted social-media comments

Composed by Dr. Michael Zelin in collaboration with ChatGPT




Harmonious Growth Vadim Kotelnikov as a harmony innovator Universal Laws Harmony MegaInnovator Waltz up with everything All-Inclusive Love Virtuous Spiral Harmonious Economy, Harmonious Growth, Harmony Innovation  

On Harmonious Growth

"Beautifully said! A harmonious hymn to growth and harmonious economy indeed. On a deeper note, aligning the harmony of our brain waves with the Universal Whole is not just inspiring — it's essential for true growth in every dimension. Thank you for sharing this vision!"



Harmony Master  

On Harmony Master

That's a fantastic idea! Here's a proposal:

Harmony Master Certification: Levels I, II, III, etc.

Grand Master Certification: Advanced levels for distinguished contributors.

We (Innompics-USA) could create a web gallery to support this initiative, featuring... More




One World One Way Many Paths cultural differences East vs. West  

See farther by standing on "the shoulders of giants"


On the soulders of giants



"Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." ~ Leo Tolstoy

"A lofty degree of intelligence doesn't make genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius." ~ Mozart

"The task of a writer is not to solve the problem but to state the problem correctly." ~ Anton Chekhov

"To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man." ~ Aristotle

"One must also be able to dance with the pen."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." ~ Albert Einstein

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." ~ Mark Twain

"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." ~ Bruce Lee


Impactful Writing

7 Rules of Writing

How To Become a Great Writer

Written Pitch

An Easy Way to turn Business Rules into an Interesting Story

Impactful Communication

Use Right Words

Blue-Ocean Communication

Laconic Communication

Elevator Pitch

How To Write a Magnetic Story

Top-Value Story

Examples of Eye-Opening Stories