Artificial intelligence (AI)
is the quasi-intelligence
of computer systems developed by humans as the simulation of
intelligence processes.
2024 Status
Strictly peaking,
It’s not AI yet,
it’s AqI
"Artificial Intelligence" is currently
intelligence yet, it's quasi-intelligence (AqI), an imitation of
intelligence. "Quasi" means apparently but not really; seemingly.
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an all-seeing assistant but
a blind leader."
AI-Generation people get addicted to AI and
overuse artificial
intelligence dramatically. They delegate sensitive vital parts of their life
and business to soulless, unimaginative and far-from-being-perfect
artificial quasi-intelligence (AqI).
AI is like money – it is a good servant but a bad master.
AI is an all-seeing assistant,
but a blind thought leader.