Examples of 30-second Elevator Speeches





The phrase “the elevator speech” (aka "the elevator pitch") refers to a recital a person gives to introduce something or s/himself.

The objective of “the elevator speech” is to arouse interest and inspire the listener(s) to ask for further information.

  The Elevator Speech examples




The Elevator Speech by Vadim Kotelnikov on

Innompic Games





Innompic Games is the intellectual "brother" of Olympic Games for the modern world driven by entrepreneurial creativity and innovation. Conducted annually since 2017, World Innompic Games turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators.

Enthusiasts love to participate in all-win Innompic Games that help people grow as creative entrepreneurs rapidly, co-innovate with other loving creators, and have great fun. As a rapidly growing global trend setter, a powerful catalyst of entrepreneurial creativity, and a nourisher of joyful friendship Innompic Games make the world brighter and smarter.


Innompic Games

1-minute Elevator Speech about Innompic Games

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The Elevator Speech by Bill Jensen on

The Power of Simplicity





Confusion is costing you a lot more than you think. It is work complexity, and it's an abuse of people's time.

Most people are extraordinary. They want to do the right things, to do their best, and make a difference.

If you want more people to make more of a difference, you'll have to find new ways for them to create their own clarity.



The Beauty of Simplicity: 80/20 Principle

Benefits of Simplicity for Business

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