Artificial Intelligence (AI) as
a Relationship Adviser




Vadim Kotelnikov

To assess how smart and wise artificial intelligence (AI) is, I asked it to generate To-Do lists based on the lyrics of  some well-known songs.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



There are natural flowers and there are artificial flowers. Real flowers are truly beautiful, but artificial flowers are in some demand as well for specific applications.

Yes, AI has neither imagination, nor feelings, but it still can produce valuable content for various applications. I do some experiments with artificial intelligence (AI) as a content creators to explore the value of summaries, elevator speeches, points, to-do lists, twits, and articles created by it.

This video presents the results of one these experiments. I had AI to listen to the song 'Give Me One Reason' and create a To Do list based on its text.
I've made my assessment, but it is my perception only.

Decide for yourself how valuable the To Do list created by AI based on this beautiful song.





'Give Me One Reason'

Songwriter: Tracy Chapman









Below are AI-generated To-Do List, Points, Tweet, and Article based on the lyrics of the song
'Give Me One Reason'





AI-generated Texts





Pleading for Love, Energy, and a Reason to Stay






The lyrics is a heartfelt plea for a reason to stay instead of leaving, emphasizing the desire not to leave the other person lonely but needing a compelling reason to change the singer's mind about leaving. Despite having each other's contact information and attempts at communication, there's a sense of frustration over the lack of effective communication. The speaker expresses a desire for genuine connection, not just physical, highlighting a need for emotional support and not wanting to waste energy on a one-sided relationship. The singer values their self-worth and energy, asking for just one convincing reason to stay, underscoring that their love has been clearly expressed and the ball is now in the other person's court to provide a reason for staying.





To-Do List

Reflect on the relationship and determine the core reasons for staying or leaving.

Communicate clearly and openly with the partner about feelings and the need for change.

Consider personal needs and whether they are being met in the relationship.

Decide if the relationship provides the desired support and companionship.

Evaluate the energy and effort being invested in the relationship and if it's sustainable.

Assess the balance of effort and affection in the relationship.

* * *


Begging for one reason to stay, yet here I am, dialing your number again, chasing a love that leaves me hanging. Energy's precious, yet I'd spend it all for just one call from you to rock me through the night.




Main Points

The singer is considering leaving but is open to reasons to stay.

The singer doesn't want to leave the other person feeling lonely.

Both individuals have each other's contact information and have previously communicated.

The singer has made numerous attempts to contact the other person.

The other person is encouraged to initiate contact.

The singer is seeking a genuine connection, not just physical affection.

The singer desires someone to provide emotional support and companionship.

Despite being capable of love and providing for the other's needs, the singer refuses to expend energy in one-sided pursuit.

The singer asserts that already declaring love for the other person leaves nothing more to be said without reciprocal effort.







Pleading for Love, Energy, and a Reason to Stay

In the melody of life, our hearts hum a tune of longing, a quest for connection that transcends the mere collision of worlds. Amidst this eternal search, the whisperings of love often find us unprepared, tugging at the strings of our souls with a force both gentle and overwhelming. It's in these moments of vulnerability, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of choice and consequence, pondering the age-old question: Should I stay or should I go?

Picture this: a relationship hanging by a thread, strong feelings and shared histories creating a tapestry rich in color yet fraying at the edges. One partner reaches out, their voice a mixture of hope and hesitation, offering up a challenge, a plea: "Give me one reason to stay here, and I'll turn my back around." It's not just a request; it's a testament to the power of love, the need for reassurance in the face of uncertainty. This isn't about giving up; it's about the yearning for a reason to hold on, a signal to fight against the solitude that beckons.

Communication, or the lack thereof, can make or break the bonds that tether us. To know that one has the means to reach out, to make the call that could bridge the gap between estrangement and reunion, yet to stand in silence—this is the conundrum faced. There's an echo of desperation, a call into the void, "You can call me, baby. You can call me any time, but you got to call me." It's a dance of pride and longing, where the act of reaching out becomes both the lock and the key to the heart's desires.

Yet, it's not just about the act of holding on; it's about what we hold on to. The request for a reason to stay isn't born from a lack of love – it's a cri de coeur for something to rekindle the flame that once burned brightly. "I don't want no one to squeeze me. They might take away my life. I just want someone to hold me and rock me through the night." It's a declaration of needs and boundaries, a reminder that while the heart is willing to give, it seeks not just affection, but respect and understanding.

In the grand tapestry of life, each of us is a thread, vibrant and unique, weaving through time and experiences. This narrative is a reflection of that journey, acknowledging the ups and downs of love, the complexity of human needs, and the courage it takes to voice our deepest desires. Our youthful hearts, regardless of age, hold the power to love deeply, to offer what we can, but also the wisdom to seek what nourishes us in return. In the end, the decision to stay or to go may hinge on reasons as delicate as whispers in the wind, but their impact is as profound as the chorus of existence itself.






Lyrics of the 'Give Me One Reason' song





Give me one reason to stay here,
And I'll turn right back around.
Give me one reason to stay here,
And I'll turn right back around.
Because I don't wanna leave you lonely,
But you got to make me change my mind.

Baby, I got your number,
And I know that you got mine.
But you know that I called you,
I called too many times.
You can call me baby,
You can call me anytime,
But you got to call me.

Give me one reason to stay here,
And I'll turn right back around.
Give me one reason to stay here,
And I'll turn right back around.
Because I don't wanna leave you lonely,
But you got to make me change my mind.

I don't want no one to squeeze me,
They might take away my life.
I don't want no one to squeeze me,
They might take away my life.
I just want someone to hold me,
And rock me through the night.

This youthful heart can love you,
And give you what you need.
This youthful heart can love you,
And give you what you need.
But I'm too old to go chasing you around,
Wasting my precious energy.

Give me one reason to stay here,
And I'll turn right back around.
Give me one reason to stay here,
And I'll turn right back around.
Because I don't wanna leave you lonely,
But you got to make me change my mind.

Baby just give me one reason,
Give me just one reason why.
Baby give me just one reason,
Give me just one reason why...I should stay,
Because I told you that I loved you,
And there ain't no more to say.




Vadim Kotelnikov

To me, metaphorically speaking, imaginative and passionate human authors produce wonderful flowers. AI can produce artificial flowers only.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) has an unlimited capacity of  turning pure gold to gold sand."

~ VadiK


Just remember, that AI-generated content is good for those only who love to smell artificial flowers.