



Impact Innovation





Impact Innovation is a form of mission-driven innovation that refers to various initiatives aimed at generating real-world value and fostering strategic innovation to optimize and synergize new or improved solutions for greater positive economic, societal, and environmental impact.

Social innovation, educational innovation, and sustainability innovation are forms of impact innovation.




Impact innovations are developed thanks to efforts by mission-driven proactive futurists, impact crusaders, impact innopreneurs, creators of harmonious value innovations, and various support agencies, groups, and individuals.

For instance, sustainability innovations are to make intentional improvements to business models, products, services, or processes that generate long-term social, environmental, and economic benefits.


Harmonious Mega-Innovation


KoRe examples of Proactive Futuring

AI-powered Sustainability Innovation




Impact Crusaders

Impact Crusaders are inspired, motivated, creative, inpowered, entrepreneurial, and audacious individuals or organizations dedicated to creating positive social, economic, or environmental change.

What sets impact crusaders apart from other crusaders is their mindset of a loving creator and focus on vision, mission, purpose, and outstanding value innovation... More


Loving Creator

Innovation is Love

Be Super Passionate About Your Crusade

Higher Self

Higher Creativity






Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders









Innompic Games that turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators are a mission-driven impact innovation and the global oasis for positive innopreneurship

  Example of Impact Innovation: Innompic Planet of Loving Creators




Higher, Wider,

This is how missionary KoRe e-Coach as an impact innovation creates an outstanding growth-focused value, nurtures great user experience, and inspires next-level achievements... More

  Example of Outstansding Impact Innovation: KoRe e-Coach