Glossary: Thinking






Definition, examples, disadvantages, solutions





Definition of Disspirituality

Disspirituality is spiritual disengagement and spiritual apathy, which refer to a lack of connection to spirituality or a lack of interest in spiritual matters.


Know Your Inner Personal Enemies

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People




What are the causes of spiritual disengagement?

What are the signs of spiritual apathy?

How can one reconnect with their spirituality?





What are the causes of spiritual disengagement?

Spiritual burnout leads to disengagement from spiritual practices entirely. People withdraw to protect their mental and emotional well-being when they feel that their spiritual journey no longer provides joy, growth, or peace.




What are the signs of spiritual apathy?





Signs of spiritual apathy include minimizing self to lower self only and abandoning the higher-self journey, declining church attendance, lack of concern for others' spiritual well-being, and disengagement from spiritual practices entirely. Additionally, a lack of desire to explore spiritual wisdom shared by enlightened ones can be indicative of spiritual apathy.





An Example of Spiritual Diversity within Europe

Spirituality vs. Disspirituality





Olympic Games 2024

Paris Olympic opening ceremony criticized for disrespecting religious beliefs and being full of scenes that traditional human beings considered disgusting. Yet, the French President Macron said that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 2024 was a demonstration of the true face of France.

  Disspirituality example: Disgusting Opening Ceremony of Olympic Games 2024



Belarus vs. Western Europe

Soul and life values as expressed in most popular songs




Isaac Newton quotes

In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence.

Isaac Newton


Stephen Covey advice quotes

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.



Leo Tolstoy quotes

The Kingdom of God is within you.

Life is God.

Leo Tolstoy



How can one reconnect with their spirituality?




Spirituality, Spiritual Growth, Loving Creator inside, Vadim Kotelnikov  

To start with, explain yourself clearly WHY you want to reconnect with your spirituality and focus on strengthening your spirit.

Do you want to discover who you really are and your whole being? Do you want to discover true joy, happiness and bliss? Do you want to perform better – emotionally, mentally and physically?



Spirituality exercise - think like God  

Find your compelling WHY and the friendly HOW is sure to embrace you. In addition, some exercises to strengthen your spiritual core may include: deep breathing; engaging in nature walks, art therapy or music therapy; conscious acts of forgiveness; reading scripture or other inspiration materials; meditating; attending spiritual-health gatherings.



Rumi quotes on love

The way of God's Messenger is the way of Love. We are all children of Love. Love is our Mother.
