Vadim Kotelnikov Wei Di China Chinese jourbal cover

Radical Improvement

10 tips for radical improvement (Kaikaku) + Kaikaku-Kaizen synergy

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



In Kaizen & Lean terms, there are two kinds of improvement:

Kaizen is evolutionary, focused on incremental improvements

Kaikaku is revolutionary, focused on radical improvements



6Ws of the Kaizen Wheel

Kaizen Mindset

Kaizen Practices




10 Commandments of Radical Improvement





Sometimes, to solve a problem, you need to start with a radical improvement (Kaikaku).

Radical improvement is necessary to break paradigms and elevate the awareness of people to a higher level of understanding.

  VadiK KoRe 10 Tips Radical Improvements (Kaikaku) Surprise Your Customers Kaizen 80/20 Principle Turn Problems into Opportunities Questioning Culture "Why? What If?" questions How To Sell Ideas To Stakeholders Creative Dissatisfaction Take Action Learning SWOT Questions 10 Brainstorming Rules Master of Business Synergies (MBS) Kaizen Mindset Kaikaku-Kaizen Journey 6Ws of the Kaizen Wheel Inventive Thinking Questions Customer Value Creation Entrepreneurial Action Waltz-Up with Everything Break Rules Difference that makes the Difference Cross-pollination of ideas Do more with less Kaikaku - Radical Improvement - KoRe 10 Tips




Continuous Improvement






Radical Improvement Mindset








Kaikaku-Kaizen Journey




Kaikaku Kaizen Synergy - radical plus incremental improvements  

Kaikaku-Kaizen Journey

Keep in mind that radically-improved objects tend to return to their original state if a radical improvement (Kaikaku) is not followed with small continuous improvements (Kaizen).




Top-Management Commitment

Without top management supporting every move any major radical improvement will be short-lived regardless of other efforts. Top management may demonstrate commitment in many different ways including personal involvement and allocation of resources for successful implementation of radical and incremental improvements.


7 Conditions for Successful Kaizen Implementation

Kaizen and Innovation

Kaizen and Management





Continuous Improvement

