Every single person who
gets dragged into the hunt for that file will be wasting
time and payroll dollars. At least one person will have
to take on the task of postponing his or her own work to
help search for the file.
On the other hand, when
employees can find files quickly, they won’t have to
email seven different people to track down what they
need. They can simply log into an organized file sharing
account, navigate the folders (or type in keywords), and
get the document(s) they need.
Organized files prevent employee frustration
Nothing frustrates
your talented employees more than being required to complete a task
without having been given the necessary resources. If
you don’t tackle such points of frustration, you could
end up
losing your best employees.
Don’t risk losing your
valued employees over cascading problems that are easy
to fix. Organize your documents and make them readily
accessible to your team.
Organized files prevent wasted payroll dollars
Each time a team member
can’t find a file he or she is looking for, even
something as simple as a photograph, there’s a
possibility the employee will have to recreate the file
to complete the task. For example, if the exact image
can’t be recreated, your coworker will have to search
for a comparable stock photo, buy a license, and prepare
the file for the project.