"I cannot
teach anybody anything. I
can only make them think...
Education is the kindling of a
flame, not the filling of a
vessel," said
said Socrates.
“Sitting at the feet of an enlightened
teacher" ("Upanishad") – is about "the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a
vessel", it is a transmission of consciousness and lifting your consciousness
closer to the level of the teacher's consciousness and the universal
So, let's sit close to the enlightened
genius and teacher – Albert Einstein – and let his
messages illuminate our soul and mind.
What gets transmitted is his
consciousness and a sense of oneness with the entire
You will be completely
amazed at how the same words
you’ve heard thousands of
times before could have this
effect on you.
It is not just what is said
but who said it. Take away
Einstein, and the words lose
their potency.
want to
know God's thoughts – the
rest are details.
If we
knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the
way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the
significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking
we were at when we created them.
perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.
don't need to think more, we need to think differently.
true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
To raise
new questions, new possibilities, to
regard old problems from a new angle,
requires creative imagination and marks
real advance in science.
will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
is not the product of logical thought, although the result is tied to
logical structure.
I am
enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
not that I'm
so smart, it's just that I stay with
problems longer.
should never impose one's views on a problem; one should rather study it, and in
time a
solution will reveal itself.
If at
first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.