Strategies of World-Changers





Break Rules

The starting phase of most radical innovations, revolutionary changes, and disruptive strategies


Best innovation quotes break rules VadiK


Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) business guru, teaching by example

The most important is to find the most important difference that makes the difference

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Managers succeed by following rules.

Innovators succeed by breaking rules.

Break rules to see what's behind the walls and create springboards for fresh ideas.




Dare to ask "Why?" questions to discover hidden problems. Dare to be different to ask "What If?" questions, invent unusual solutions, and break rules.

  Leave Your Comfort Zone quotes Break Rules Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov

Break rules wisely
– disrupt human habits while staying in harmony with the laws of the Universe.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Break Rules - how to create disruptive innovation example  

Break rules – wisely! – to:


Invent something new

Find a breakthrough solution

Surprise customers

Stand Out from competitors

Develop disruption strategies

Create revolutionary change

Forge a new path




Keys to Business Success Stand Out from the Competition Be the Best Be the First VadiK Innompic Games Be Remarkable Market Leadership Strategies - Stand Out from the Competition  

To stand out from your competition, you must be the first, be the best, and be remarkable.

Being first comes from breaking rules and being fast.

Being the best is good, but not enough. You must also be remarkable and rememberable.




Peter the Great, Russia

Do not cling to the rules,
like a blind man clinging to a wall.

Peter the Great


Pablo Picasse quotes

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.



Max DePree quotes

Knowing how to lead and work with creative people requires knowledge and action that often goes against the typical organizational structure.

De Pree



Make a Difference!

If you don't change the World, why do you exist at all?

You cannot make a difference if you follow of the rules. It's only by breaking a rule that you can make difference and achieve great success... More


Innompic Games

BE MAD – Be Entrepreneurial, Make a Difference

Achieve Impossible





Coaching by Example






Olympic Games were invented in Greece 2,800 years ago when the world was ruled by athletic warriors.

The World has changed since then. Today's world is driven by creative entrepreneurs.

Innompic Games are new Blue-Ocean Games for the new world.

  New World New Games Innompic vs Olympic mind vs. body civilizational breakthrough




Create Change

Manage Change proactivelyChallenge assumptions and break rules. Discover and seize opportunities. Experiment with various options, such as radical innovations and radical improvements, ask learning SWOT questions, adapt strategies and keep innovating this way.


Yin and Yang of Creativity

Create Change for Competitive Advantage

Lead Change




10 Commandments of Innovation

Be different. Think outside the box and break rules. Play simulation games with disruptive ideas. Introduce radical innovations and change the name of the game (example) ... More


Radical Innovation








Stand out Leader Achiever


Advice by self-made billionaires


Happy Victor icon


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Here is to the crazy ones... because the ones who think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Steve Jobs


Mark Zuckerberg business advice quotes Facebook

Move fast, break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.

Mark Zuckerberg



Larry Ellison quote

The only way to get ahead is to
find errors in conventional wisdom.

Larry Ellison


Richard Branson business advice quotes

Turn upside down the way you approach the challenges you are facing and look at them in a brand new entrepreneurial way.

Richard Branson


Sam Walton's rules for buiding a great business

Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom.

Sam Walton




10 Keys to a Great Business

Surprise markets and competitors.  Encourage creativity and radical idea generation. Challenge assumptions, think outside the box, break rules. Give people freedom to fail and start again more intelligently... More


How To Win in Business

Surprise to Win









Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example