Coaching by Example
My 3-part plan for every day:
① Listen up
② Look around
③ Change the world
~ Vadim Kotelnikov
Loving Creator
Innovation is Love
SuperConscious Thinking
Blue-Ocean Mega-Innovations
How To Create New Trends
IG as a Trend Setter
I don't teach, I inspire!
I teach creativity, innovation, and venturing by example
I lead and coach by example
I see myself and act as an Impact Crusader – a positive innopreneur, a missionary world changer, and a change maker.
An inspiring fire inside me burns much brighter than discouraging fires around me.
As an impact crusader, Innotheus and a proactive futurist, I create Blue Oceans and new trends that change the World.
I help also others grow as world changers.
A sample course I teach at Innompirsity
Trend Creation Competencies
3-minute introduction to the unique KoRe course
that explains how to create new trends
Background song "I Have a Difference To Make!"
Great Life is not about life-business balance, it is about life-business synergy.
Business is not a money tool, it is a tool to make people happier.
Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders
Harmonious Mega-Innovation
New-To-the-World Product Development
Solo Interpreneurship
3Ws of Leadership
I was shown The Truth once. It is not on the Earth, it is in world of the Divine. As humans, we cannot reach The Truth, but we can and should get closer to it.
Proactive Futuring
Systemic Experimentation
APEP-style Elevator Pitch
First Impressionsim
Story Writing
My Story
Trademark Innovations
Innompic Ecosystem
KoRe 7 Advices
My Personal Brand → KoRe
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