Glossary: Innovation










Vadim Kotelnikov

Innotheus is a high-impact superinnovator who acts as a Value Prometheus, drives progress, and creates a greater future for the global society.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Prometheus who gave fire to humanity symbolizes knowledge, enlightenment, breakthrough innovation, and progress.




Innotheus Dennis Proactive Futuring Pursues Higher Sense SuperCreativity Creates Higher Value Innompic PLanet of Loving Creators Breaks Through Expand Horizons Vadim Kotelnikov Evolutionist Innotheus - High-Impact SuperInnovator as a Value Prometheus




Highersight and Proactive Futuring




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer



Be Entrepreneurial and Make A Difference!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Innotheus is highersighted futures thinker and a proactive futurist who can see both a bigger picture and farther than others.

Holistic creativity and the ability to create new trends and harmonious innovations are Innotheus’ distinctive capabilities.




The Loving-Creator super-attitude inpoweres people tremendously.

It nourishes their highersight, super-conscious thinking and divine super-creativity.

It makes relentless creation of harmonious value innovations a natural way of living.

  Harmonious innovation loving creator Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

Be a
loving creator
– your
true passion is your life mission.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Be a highersighted innovator and create greater value.

Be a proactive futurist
– and never give up!

Be a positive entrepreneur and build a harmonious, sustainable, and happy business.





Higher Value




Harmonious Innovation, Yin and Yang univesal law, Vadim Kotelnikov  

Innotheus jumps to the next curve of value innovation.

Innotheus is also a great Blue-Ocean communicator who can inspire new desires of prospects by selling them dreams and leading by example.





Disruptive Value Innovation




Disruptive Innovation benefits, Vadim Kotelnikov  

Innotheus is willing and able to disrupt the status quo and take a daring innopreneurial action to create a radically new value for others as well as to get people to desire it.









SuperCreative Innotheus, Vadim Kotelnikov on Super-Creativty  

Superinnovative Innotheus is a super-smart and super-creative person who knows how to engage the light-speed superconscious mind, ideate on autopilot, and invent complex solutions while sleeping.









SuperGamification: InnoBall - Innovation Brainball  

Innopreneurial simulation supergames, such as InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) help SuperInnovators prepare to win and supersucceed.









Innotheus as superimplementation master: waltzing up with ideas  

SuperInnovators waltz-up with everything and everybody: ideas, opportunities, business plans, strategies, challenges, failures, successes, partners, customers.










Proactive Futurist is someone who creates the future, based on highersight, higher sense, supercreativity, venturepreneurial simulation, strategic experimentation, and daring action.


KoRe Examples of Proactive Futuring





"Pursuing higher sense" typically refers to the pursuit of higher purpose and highersight, as opposed to relying solely on common sense and beliefs, which may be. limiting It suggests striving for a more enlightened perspective in various aspects of life and/or business.


Higher Self


Ask Learning SWOT Questions




"Expand horizons" refers to the idea of seeking out new experiences or knowledge. It often implies personal or business growth and the broadening of views and perspectives through experimentation, disruption, innovation, venturing, education, travel, and outside-the-box actions.

Evolutionist is a person who advocates for gradual growth or development in various contexts.

Pragmatist is someone who approaches problems and situations realistically, focusing on predictable in-box outcomes rather than high-risk outside-the-box venturing.

Vast Majority" refers to a significantly large portion of a group. It emphasizes that something is true about almost all members of a particular cohort.

The phrase "sticks to familiar" highlights the tendency to adhere to recognizable or traditional elements in various forms of thinking and action.

In-box thinking refers to a limited mindset that confines thinking to a "box" that may include established norms, conventions, and biases, often leading to a restricted view of problems or situations.

Limiting beliefs are false beliefs about yourself that restrict your potential and prevent you from pursuing a stretch vision and/or higher goals.




"Safely creative" often refers to creative works, inventions, novelties, designs, or advertisements that are innovative yet adhere to in-box standards, guidelines, or best practices.


Yin-Yan of Creativity

Incremental Innovation