something today that your Higher
Self will love; change something
in yourself today that your
future self will thank you for.
Kotelnikov |
Your Higher Self is you cleaned
from your ego. It is your
Higher World.
discover and keep creating your
true divine self, get rid of all attitudes and
thoughts that are not nurtured
Burning Desire is your
undefeatable inner self who
leads you towards your dream and
helps you
make it a reality.
Burning desire is much more than
a wish or a want. Wishes and
wants come from our lower self,
while burning desire comes from
our Higher Self.
Silence your ego if you want to
hear your higher self.
Kotelnikov |
Higher sense is a function of
higher self;
common sense is a function of
lower self.
Higher creativity is
lower creativity is pragmatic.
Highersighted one sees
insightful one sees deeper.
Love creates us when we create
with love
Love creates us when we create
with love
And pursue
harmonious growth.
Universal laws
Help us stay on course.
We take care of our Mother
Let’s don’t put on the shelf
Our Higher Self!
Let’s take care of our Mother
Vadim Kotelnikov
A "higher purpose"
refers to a goal or objective that transcends
personal gain and is often considered more
altruistic or meaningful. It involves pursuing a
cause that you are passionate about and that
contributes positively to others or society as a
whole. It's a pursuit that brings a sense of
fulfillment and can guide your actions and decisions
in life.
' An individual with higher purpose is someone who
cares about matters beyond their own needs and wants
and always takes others into consideration. They
have both vision and inclusive vision.
Higher sense is a
function of higher self. Higher sense typically
refers to a more superconscious or intuitive
perception, often involving predictions,
highersights or anticipations that can be more
A universal truth refers to an absolute truth that
transcends personal beliefs and perceptions. It
represents a truth that is consistent and valid
regardless of individual experiences or
perspectives. This concept often deals with
fundamental principles or highersights about
existence that apply universally.
A universal truth can also answer questions about
who we are and where the world is going.