

Interpersonal Love




Vadim Kotelnikov

is not about wanting your loved one to be yours,
it is about wanting your loved one to be happy.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Love loving relationships, make your loved one happy VadiK quotes

Love quote VadiK unity of two souls and bodies journey 2 eternity





In ordinary use, love usually refers to interpersonal love.  Interpersonal love is love between human beings, and is more sympathetic than the notion of very much liking for another. Although feelings are usually reciprocal, there can also be unrequited love. 

Interpersonal love is usually found in an interpersonal relationship, such as between couples, family members, and  friends.




However, people often express love for other people outside of these relationships through empathycompassionate outreach and volunteering.


Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Fools talk mouth-to-mouth. Intelligent people talk mouth-to-ear.
Wise people and lovers talk soul-to-soul.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon



How To Keep Your Loving Relationships Strong: KoRe 10 Tips


See your loving relationships as a flower that needs to be watered every day

Conquer conflicts by curing their roots and fruits with love.



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Happy Business

Happy business is love-driven. It starts with an innovative idea of an entrepreneur who is passionate about his work and loves s/his customers.


Innovation is Love

Innompic Planet of Loving Creators




The entrepreneur assembles a passionate team. Love for each other gives team members strengths and courage, inspires and energizes them, creates an atmosphere of trust, enhances intellectual teamwork and cross-pollination of ideas.

Passionate Team
Love breed love cross-cultural loving relationship Vadim Kotelnikov business advice Planet of Loving Creators

Loving relationships among team members and with customer create an environment of trust and foster value innovation

However, people often express love for other people outside of these relationships through empathycompassionate outreach and volunteering.




Develop Your Love Quotient (LQ)

① Expand your understanding about love and its very nature.

② Learn more effective ways to be loving toward yourself, others and what you do... More

Live love quotes Vadim Kotelnikov Loving Creators Dennis Kotelnikov Ksenia Kotelnikovs Magomed Gamzatov Innompics Russia




Humorous educative song

How To Succeed in Love





In this humorous song, some classic success advices – courage, creative visualization, self-empowerment, experimentation, stretching yourself, win-win attitude – are applied to deep loving relationships, i.e. sex.

* * *






Fyodor Dostoyevski quotes advice

To love someone means to see him as God intended him.

Fyodor Dostoyesvski


Leo Tolstoy quotes

Some one dear to one can be loved with human love; but an enemy can only be loved with divine love.

Leo Tolstoy


Oscar Wilde humorous quotes

Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.

Oscar Wilde


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Love is the only important thing. Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends.  >>>

Steve Jobs


Lao Tzu advice quotes teachings

Can you love or guide someone without any kind of expectation?

Lao Tzu

Jesus quotes

Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your neighbor, but who is your neighbor. Your neighbor is the one who is sent to you from the Divine.


Bhagavad Gita quotes

If you want to see the brave, look to those who can return love for hatred. If you wan to see heroic, look to those who can forgive.



Chinese proverb

With money you can buy sex, but not love... More



Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

You will forgive everyone and everything when you discover true love.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon

Rumi quotes on love

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.


Tao sign, Taosim quotes

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage >>>


Friendship is a purest love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no condition, where one simply enjoys giving.


Master-student relationships are the highest love relationships.


Andy Rooney quotes

I've learned...
That when you're in love, it shows...

Andy Rooney

Mother Teresa

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.


Buddha teachings

Conquer the angry man by love.


Mahatma Gandhi advice quotes

Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love.

Mahatma Gandhi

Plato teachings quotes

Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.


Tagore quotes

Let this be my last word, but I trust in thy love.

Rabindranath Tagore

Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Give out love, and it will returned to you multiplied.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon

   Vadim Kotelonikov, Ksenia Kotelnikova, Innompic Gesture