Strategic Business Design



Synergize strategic creativity, design thinking and business innovation




 Holistic CreativityBrainstormingBrainstillingCreative VisualizationHIGHERsightVadiK trademark emfographics3Bs of Strategic CreativityVadim KotelnikovInnovation e-CoachSee the Big PictureAssess the Impact Strategic Creativity Process: Brainstilling, Brainstorming




Strategic Creativity

Positive Entrepreneurship

Happy Business

Harmonious Company: 5 Basic Elements






Design has become a strategic business tool.



INNOBALL simulation game Innovation Brainball INNOBALL-assisted Business Design Process

Play INNOBALL (Innovation Brainball) simulation game with the most promising 'What If?' scenarios. Powered by KoRe 10 metaphoric innovative thinking tools (10 KITT), Innoball engages and synergizes all the four types of design thinking: abstract, generative, concrete and analytical... More




The Power Of Strategic Design Thinking: Four Principles For Your Business

Strategic design thinking creates great opportunities for cross-functionally-excellent designers with a strategic aptitude of a creative Business Architect and a Master of Business Synergies.


By Rakia Reinolds

Strategic design thinking has one single goal: to understand and solve a problem for its consumer. This method is applied to the design of intangible services and processes, an idea we have become familiar with in the new "Age of Experience."

The current generation of consumers has developed an intolerance for inauthenticity, which means that brands need to shift their thinking from traditional to thoughtful. The tide is turning in the media and communications industry: now, it's about focusing on the truth, or what I like to call the “story behind the glory.” My job is to make sure our clients have as authentic of a brand voice as possible.

A recent global study released by Cohn & Wolfe found that nearly nine out of 10 consumers are willing to take action to reward a brand for its authentic approach to marketing. Despite the fact that this strategy is a sure way to amplify their messages, many businesses poorly execute these new practices of engagement, which creates a proverbial slump that lacks creativity, direction and innovation.

As an entrepreneur who is constantly searching for opportunities to grow and exploring potential programs to add to my growth, I turned to my friend Dr. Natalie Nixon, Director of the Strategic Design MBA program at Philadelphia University. Formulated to incubate a new wave of hybrid thinking, the program's focus is on trying to understand the experience of your brand through the perspective of the people who are buying it.

Natalie shared the four main keys to implementing a strategic design thinking model to your business structure:

1. Go beyond the quantitative data, and seek qualitative feedback. In order to know what motivates your audience to take action, you have to filter through the one-size-fits-all data approach to truly understand who they are and what their needs require. “Empathy education is at the core of strategic design thinking,” advises Dr. Nixon. “Companies have to reach beyond the structured, quantitative statistical research that businesses often rely on. It is interacting with consumers to understand their desires, and then customizing the experience in a remarkable way.”

2. Apply lateral thinking. Sometimes businesses get bogged down by the rinse-and-repeat method of the same practices. To drive fresh solutions, it is vital that we look across industries and harvest new sources of inspiration. “To see your business with new eyes, open yourself to the practices of opposing industries – for example, if you work in beauty, attend a tech conference in order to design a new strategy,” suggests Dr. Nixon.

3. Prototype experiences. It is easy to wrap our minds around the "look and feel" model of prototyping when a fashion designer makes a prototype of a dress. But it's a lot more difficult to quantify experiences that don't fit within our concrete sensory perception. Applying prototyping is about trying to understand the experience of your brand through the perspective of the people who are buying it. How do you prototype an intangible experience in today's information economy? “Make it an active experience – we want people to ask lots of questions and come up with a range of insights,” advises Dr. Nixon.


Business Design Defined

The two components of a Business design are:

Business Model

Business Processes

Business designs describe different possible configurations of a business idea, how this idea adds value, and how it is embodied in distinctive capabilities to create Sustainable Competitive Advantage.

Strategic Business Design

What Is Strategic Business Design

Strategic business design is becoming more important in an increasingly competitive global market with rapid technology and product cycles. Strategic design breakthroughs can help you stand out from the competition not just for a short while, but lengthily.

Strategic business design is about application of future-oriented design principles and creation of "big-picture" future-oriented business growth strategies in order to increase an organization’s innovative and competitive qualities.

By bridging research, Systemic Innovation, design. and management in a holistic and Synergistic way, strategic design helps to create an innovative business model, identify promising strategic opportunities for action, and redefines how opportunities and problems are to be approached in future.

Strategic Business Design vs. Traditional Design

Strategic business design deals with a "big picture", traditional design deals with a "small picture".

Traditional definitions of design tend to focus on creating discrete solutions − be it a product, a service, a process, or customer experience.

Strategic business design is about applying some of the principles of traditional design and futures thinking to "big picture" systemic challenges like a balanced business system, a business model, and business growth.

Strategic business design is as an effective way to bridge innovation, research, management and design based on  the analysis of external and internal trends and data. It defines how strategic challenges are to be approached, helps deliver more complete, harmonized, and resilient business systems, and identifies entrepreneurial opportunities for action.


How To Discover Opportunities

The discipline is mostly practiced by design agencies or by internal development departments. Businesses are the main consumers of strategic design, but the public, political and not-for-profit sectors are also making increasing use of the discipline.

Its applications are varied, yet often aim to strengthen one of the following: product branding, product development, corporate identity, corporate branding, operating and business models, and service delivery.

Strategic design has become increasingly crucial in recent years, as businesses and organisations compete for a share of today’s global and fast-paced marketplace.

Anticipate and Drive Change

You must not only anticipate change, but drive it to survive in today’s rapidly changing world. If you don’t, your products and services will lose market share to those who do.

"There have been many examples of strategic design breakthroughs over the years and in an increasingly competitive global market with rapid product cycles, strategic design is becoming more important.”[2]

Business Architect

In today's knowledge- and innovation-driven complex economy, Smart Business Architects  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book are in growing demand.  They are cross-functionally excellent people who can tie several silos of business development expertise together, create synergies, design winning business model and a Balanced Business System, a Continuous Improvement Firm and Systemic Innovation strategies, and then lead people who will put their plans into action... More