

Systemic Innovation




VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Empower Cross-functional Innovation Teams

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Leading Innovation Managing Innovation by Cross-functional Teams Cross-functonal Teams Ten3 Business e-Coach: why, what, and how Strategic Alignment Building Your Cross-functional Expertise Systemic Innovation Setting Objectives Measuring Innovation Managing Innovation by Cross-functional Teams Managing Innovation by Cross-functional Teams Empower Cross-Functional Innovation Teams  

Articulate the strategic intent and the next stretch goal.

Build cross-functional teams, empower them, and let people in different product groups and disciplines invent the future and contribute their best to achievement of the stretch goal and the strategic intent.










Silicon Valley firms make cross-functional involvement the path of least resistance.

Harley-Davidson uses cross-functional teams to design new products.

Quantum established cross-functional innovation teams to increase innovation speed.

Corning involves cross-functional innovation teams at every stage of the innovation process.



Steve Jobs advice quotes

My job is to create a space for the people developing new products, to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay.

Steve Jobs



Bill Gates advice

You've got to give great tools to small teams. Pick good people, use small teams, give them excellent tools... so that they are very productive in terms of what they are doing.

Bill Gates


IDEO Tom Kelley creativity innovation quotes

Create hot teams, not dull teams. A hot team is infused with purpose, personality, and a great passion about doing great things or projects together.

Tom Kelley




Innovative and Creative Circle (ICC)

In Malaysia, ICC refers to a small group of creative and innovative workers from across departments who meet regularly to identify, select and analyze problems associated with work and submit an innovative proposal to management for consideration and to carry out the suggestions once approved... More


Innompic Games in Malaysia


National Innompic Games (IPMA)

Messagesful Images





Beware of Underempowerment

Losing organizations fail because of their functional mindset. They lack of cross-functional goals and cross-functional collaboration spirit. Their cross-functional teams are powerless, if any. New products fail because cross-functional innovation teams are weak or insufficiently empowered.

Some Ways To Empower Cross-functional Teams

→ Build a cross-functional management team and exercise cross-functional management;

→ Empower a cross-functional focus team to improve or reinvent your business design and business model;

→ Empower a cross-functional innovation team to discover synergies between functions;

→ Establish a cross-functional new-product team and make it clear that the team is expected to undertake experimentation and risk taking, rather than incremental improvement of current products and processes;

→ See problem solving as a cross-functional systemic and collaborative approach;

→ Run all-win innovation contests where cross-functional teams compete constructively.




Start Innovation with Yourself

To lead innovation successfully you should start with yourself. Lead by example. If you ask your people to be entrepreneurial, to innovate and grow, do so yourself.

  SuperCreativityInnotheusDennis Proactive Futurist Impactful SuperInnovator as PrometheusInnompic Planet of Loving Creators Pursues Higher Sense Creates Higher ValueBreaks ThroughEvolutionistExpands HorizonsVadim Kotelnikov Innotheus - High-Impact SuperInnovator as Innovation Leader




Coaching by Example




Vadim Kotelnikov

Innompic Teams
United innovators ▪ Synergized diversity

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon