Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), innopreneur coaching by example

Hello, my dear creative achiever, daring value innovator, and passionate difference maker!

Now, I'll share with you my inspirations on:

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Inventor Business e-Coach

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Strategic Intent



A booster of your strategic achievements




Strategic Intent as a booster of strategic achievement  

Strategic intent inspires means by which your an organization will achieve its daring  shared vision.

To inspire your team, communicate your strategic intent and launch a crusade.




Strategic Intent Defined

Strategic intent is a high-level statement of the means by which your organization will achieve its vision. It is a statement of design for creating a desirable future (stated in present terms). Simply put, a strategic intent is your company's vision of what it wants to achieve in the long term.

In complexity science's terms, strategic intent is decomposition of exploration rules into the next level of detail, the linkages to the exploration rules and the transition rules that define how it will migrate from its current design and ecosystem to a future business design and ecosystem.


Strategy Formulation

Strategic Intent vs. Vision & Mission

How To Develop a Strategic Intent

Blue Ocean Strategy

Areas of Strategy Formulation

Critical Question Analysis (CQA)

Reassess Your Past Decisions




Purpose of Strategic Intent

The logic, uniqueness and discovery that make your strategic intent come to life are vitally important for employees. They have to understand, believe and live according to it. And they need a strategic direction to stay stay strategically aligned and strategically motivated.

Strategy should be a stretch exercise, not a fit exercise. Expression of strategic intent is to help individuals and organizations share the common intention to survive and continue or extend themselves through time and space.

Disruptive strategists develop and articulate their daring strategic intent to inspire entrepreneurial creativity and intrapreneurial behavior of employees.









Developing a Statement of Strategic Intent

The strategic focus is the starting point for developing a statement of strategic intent. A statement of strategy must become then a statement of strategic design through which the principles, processes and practices of an organization are developed. These statements must represent the whole as seen from any location in the organization.

Your strategic intent should also be accompanied by intermediate stretch goals against which company achievements can be measured. It cannot be developed in a one-day strategy session, it should develop and mature with time... More



Life Purpose Change the World Vadim Kotelnikov quotes


 The strategic intent of
is to achieve a civilizational breakthrough, engage 1 billion people, and to turn our challenged Earth to
a flourishing Planet of Loving Creators.





Creating a Sustainable Culture of Innovation

An 8-Step Process

  • Whet the Appetite: Create a business case for why innovation is so crucial to your company’s success. Then present it at a series of well-designed town meetings.




 Cases in Point  Using Strategic Intent to Inspire Radical Innovation

DuPont asked their scientists to help the corporation "invent its ways" out of the company financial malaise.

Texas Instruments exhorted their employees to "find new businesses in the white spaces" between existing business units.2

In other cases, employees were urged to move the firm beyond the constraints of current customers, current business models, and current technologies to explore growth in new directions.

Analog Devices urged their employees to get into a new industry (the automotive industry).

Otis Elevators asked their people to pursue an industry "Holy Grail" (to find a way to move people up and down a mile-high building).

Air Product urged their employees to lead the next industry-transforming breakthrough (gas separation technology).


Linking Creation of a Strategic Intent with its Implementation...

Strategy Innovation: Evolution of a Successful Strategy...

System Approach to Management...

Competitive Innovation...

Opportunity driven Business Development...

Dynamic Strategy as a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage...

Strategic Achievement...

Leading Innovation...

Principles for Driving Growth Through Innovation...

 Case in Point  Coca Cola...

 Case in Point  Silicon Valley Firms...

Case in Point  Charles Schwab...




  1. "Managing Complexity", Robin Wood

  2. Radical Innovation, Harvard Business School

  3. "Changing Strategic Direction", Peter Skat-Rordam