Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), innopreneur coaching by example

Hello, my dear creative achiever, daring value innovator, and passionate difference maker!

Now, I'll share with you my inspirations on:

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

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Market Leadership Strategies



How to stand  out an win in today's marketplace





3 Strategies of Market Leaders Continuous Innovation Venture Strategies Fast Company Innovation System Vadim Kotelnikov Business Success Innovative Organization and People Surprise To Win Competitive Strategies Creative Marketing Stretch Goals Creating an Inspiring Vision High-Growth Business Development Lean Production Innovation-friendly Organization Inspiring Corporate Culture Strategic Alliances 12 Leadership Roles Team Culture Emfographics Emfographics Master of Business Synergies 3 Strategies of Marketi Leaders  

The Greatest Benefit of Market Leadership

The perceived market leader is dominant in its industry, attracts much more customers, and has substantial market share.



Options Available
To Market Leaders

3 Traits
of Marketplace Champions

  Creating New Market Niches

  Expanding Your Existing Market

  Protecting Your Existing Market Share

①  Sense of mission

②  Focus on innovation

③  Operational excellence




Growth 10+ is People 10+





Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) business guru, teaching by example

Great businesses inspire employees by amazing opportunities and customers by exciting experiences.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Surprise to win!
Excite your employees, amaze your customers, shock your competitors!

A perceived market leader attracts around 4 times more customers then #2 does just because people prefer to buy from #1.




If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in establishing an innovation-friendly organization, developing new business models and new products or services.

You must create competitive disruption and be on the cutting edge of new technologies and innovative business processes.

  Vadim Kotelnikov innovation quotes innovators create new markets and harvest the benefits of being #1





Ask Learning SWOT Questions














Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Love for customers is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues >>>

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon




What Does It Take To Become a Market Leader?

If you want to become a market leader, being just excellent is not enough. You must also be remarkable, admired, and rememberable.

Your customer value proposition must offer a superior solution to a customers' problem, and your product must be well differentiated.

Vadim Kotelnikov business trainer teacher coach, be remarkable



Love Your Customer

Love for customers is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues.  >>>

 Love for customers attracts customers and differentiates you in their eyes from the less loving competitors.

Love for customer quotes Vadim Kotelnikov, differentiate from compeitors, photogram Irina, pigeons




PowerPoints for sale

for Teachers

Customer Success 360







Venture Strategies

The most successful companies are those that have developed aggressive venture strategies and have made ventures critical components of their strategic and operating success. In ventures, large and midsized companies can discover a source of growth they are striving to achieve. New business creation has become central to achieving strategic and financial objectives of market champions... More

Innovation quotes Innovators vs. Managers Innovators succeed by beaking rules Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

If you don't change the World, why do you exist at all?

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon



Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Sustainable competitive advantage is the prolonged benefit of implementing some unique value-creating strategy based on unique combination of internal organizational resources and capabilities that cannot be replicated by competitors.  >>>

Sustainable competitive advantage allows the maintenance and improvement of your enterprise's competitive position in the market. It is an advantage that enables your business to survive against its competition over a long period of time... More



Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

If you want to be successful, start with establishing the culture of love for customers. The rest will follow.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon