Innovation-friendly Organization



and its key components





Build Innovation Into Your Organization

Success depends on both what you do and how you do it. There are specific elements that help you and your company to be more innovative. It's  a blend of culture, methodologies, infrastructure, innovation structures, and work practices... More

  Managing Innovation by Cross-functional Teams Vision & Strategy for Innovation Top Management Team Leading Innovation Culture Supporting Innovation Empowered Employees Driving Innovation Processes, Practices, and Systems Supporting Innovation Innovation System: Organization and People Sustainable Innovation Organization The Jazz of Innovation: 11 Practice Tips Innovation System Inspiring Culture Innovation Innovative Workforce Systemic Innovation Innovation-friendly Organization: Key Components of an Innovative Organizaton



Key Components of an Innovation-friendly Components

Innovation is the key to survival and success. Companies that continuously innovate will create and re-invent new markets, products, services, and business models which leads to more growth.

Innovation is founded on your enterprise's ability to recognize market opportunities, your internal capabilities to respond innovatively, and your knowledge base.

So, the best thing to do to guarantee growth is to build a sustainable innovation organization around the following components:

❶  Vision and strategy for innovation

❷  Culture supporting innovation

❸  Processes, practices and systems supporting innovation

❹  Top management team leading innovation  >>>

❺  Cross-functional teams mapping the innovation road  >>>

❻  Empowered employees driving innovation.

Just keep in mind that though there are specific elements that help you and your company to be more innovative, it's not a matter of simply following directions. Success depends on both what you do and how you do it and when you do it.



3 Strategies of Market Leaders    Google 9 Notions of Innovation






IDEO Tom Kelley creativity innovation quotes

If you want a team of smart, creative people to do extraordinary things, don’t put them in a drab, ordinary space.

Tom Kelley



IDEO Tom Kelley creativity innovation quotes

The 'secret formula' for building innovation into an organization is actually not very formulaic. It's blend of culture, methodologies, infrastructure, and work practices.

Tom Kelley


Bill Gates advice

Keep a flat organization
in which all issues are discussed openly.

Bill Gates


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians, and poets, and artists, and zoologists, and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world.

Steve Jobs




Transform Your Business into an Innovative and Creative Culture





 Culture of InnovationCreative DissatisfactionInspiring CultureCreative Leadership DOs and DON'TsInnovation System"Why? What If?" questionsWhy Employee EmpowermentCreate a Grand VisionThe Jazz of InnovationIncentive MotivationEmfographicsInnovationVadiKCulture of Innovation: Core Components

People Power

Leaders of successful, high-growth companies understand that innovation is what drives growth, and innovation is achieved by awesome people with a shared relentless growth attitude and shared passion for problem solving  and for turning ideas into realities... More

10 Commandments of Innovation

Creating a Culture for Innovation

Corporate Culture is important for success. The  question is how culture can drive successful innovation, and what corporate leaders can do to establish the kind of culture that leads to creative dissatisfaction with the status quo and truly innovative behavior... More


29 Obstacles To Innovation

Inspirational Leader: 10 Roles

10 Ways To Murder Creativity

  • Ask for a 200-page document to justify every new idea

5 Strategies for Creating a Culture for Innovation

  • Inspire: Provide an inspiring vision; lead innovation; emphasize opportunities, not problems; trust your people... More

Inspiring Culture: 5 Elements

Creating a Sustainable Culture of Innovation

An 8-Step Process

  • Fence the Garden: Identify your company’s biggest naysayers and serve them with an “aspiring innovators restraining order.”

5 Strategies for Creating a Culture of Questioning

Strategic Innovation

7 Dimensions

  1. Organizational Readiness – the ability to take action

Six Organizational Models that Support Innovation

  1. Innovation Project Team

How To Break Down Barriers To Communication

  • Organize cross-functional teams for all sorts of projects. Make them as loose or as formal as you see fit but be sure that there is good mixing and that all of the departments contribute.

Cross-Functional Teams Mapping the Innovation Road

In the new era of Systemic Innovation, it is more important for an organization to be cross-functionally excellent than functionally excellent. Cross-functional teams, either formal or informal, need to be formed. These teams can also find new businesses in white spaces between existing business units... More


Inspirational Business Plan: Successful Innovation

Development Risk: "The things we fear most in organizations – fluctuations, disturbances, imbalances – are the primary sources of creativity." – Margaret Wheatley.

How To Prevent Innovation (Humorous Tips)

  • Establish a "30-minute rule": for the first 30 minutes after an idea is expressed only negative comments can be made... More

9 Signs of a Losing Organization

3 Strategies of Market Leaders

Market leaders win by building an adaptive, innovation-friendly organization and establishing an inspirational growth culture. The best companies  put a lot of efforts in developing great leaders and  establishing winning teams... More

 Best Practices  Google: 10 Golden Rules

Encourage Creativity. Google engineers can spend up to 20 percent of their time on a project of their choice. There is, of course, an approval process and some oversight, but basically we want to allow creative people to be creative. One of our not-so-secret weapons is our ideas mailing list: a companywide suggestion box where people can post ideas ranging from parking procedures to the next killer app. The software allows for everyone to comment on and rate ideas, permitting the best ideas to percolate to the top... More

Perfect Brainstorming: 10 Rules


  Innovation Jokes



Humorous Biz Plan: How To Succeed In Innovation

Innovation Management Team: "Few great men would have got past personnel."  ~ Paul Goodman...

Market Analysis: "People buy more weight loss books/diets (tools) than all other books, yet people are fatter than ever. Why? Most diets do not address the psychological reasons (mindset) for eating. The same holds true for innovation." ~ Stephen Shapiro

16 Ways to Avoid the Hassle of Commercializing University Technology

By: Terry Collison

❷ If you have a technology policy and a procedure, make sure nobody in the university community actually understands what it is. Complexity is good... More








  1. Managing Challenges for the 21st Century, Peter Drucker

  2. Building the Awesome Organization, Jana Matthew

  3. Radical Innovation, Harvard Business School

  4. The Road Ahead, Bill Gates,

  5. In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters

  6. Guide to Management Ideas, Tim Hindle

  7. The 10-day MBA, Steven Silbiger

  8. Extreme Management, Mark Stevens

  9. Relentless Growth, Christopher Meyer

  10. The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley

  11. Managing New Products, Thomas D. Kuczmarski

  12. Managing Complexity, Robin Wood

  13. The Leader's Guide To Lateral Thinking," Paul Sloane

  14. The Innovative Enterprise, Harvard Business Review

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