Alpheus Bingham and Dwayne
Spradlin draw on their
pioneering experience building
InnoCentive, the leading global
platform for open innovation.
Writing for CxOs, R&D leaders,
and innovation strategists, they
show how to dramatically
increase the flow of high-value
innovations, access innovators
you would never hire internally,
and successfully integrate
external innovation throughout
your business.
Through illustrative case
studies, Bingham and Spradlin
demonstrate open innovation at
work in pharmaceuticals,
consumer products, software,
aeronautics, and beyond. They
show how to construct
“challenges” that focus
innovation on critical business
needs, can attract breakthrough
strategies and solutions, and
how to
transform your enterprise
to do it over and over again.
Integrate multiple innovation
channels in one high-value
Choose and integrate
complementary innovation
Access the “long tail” of
expertise and a whole world of
innovators on demand.
Tap innovation from an entire
planet of creative and