A crusade is a form of a super-journey. It is a vigorous campaign for change.

A crusade in business is an inspired journey towards a big stretch target.

A crusade will motivate and help you move your organization and people to the desired future state faster.

  Business Crusade and Impact Crusaders



Inspire your team members to become Impact Crusaders – missionary innovators and change makers whose energizing fire inside burns much brighter than discouraging fires around them.

  Growth Hacking strategies



Growth 10+ is People 10+. Without strategic motivation, without the organization's enthusiastic involvement and participation of inspired employees, it is impossible to implement any strategic plan.

Lead by example – live the crusade and model the way for all your team members.

"People will work hard for money but will give their life for meaning," said David S. Pottruck, a co-founder of HighTower Advisors who previous served as the CEO of Charles Schwab.


Business Growth 10+

7Ss of Growth 10+

80/20 Rule

Surprise to Win

10 Commandments of Innovation

Fast Company

Moving with Speed





From the Business Cause to a Business Crusade

A cause must be big enough for a crusade.

A cause is the real reason your business exists. Cause is that which gives rise to an action, a motive, a principle, a belief and purpose. A cause answers the question "Why we are really doing this?".

"A cause provides a feeling of belonging, a sense of purpose and loyalty, peer pressure to perform, and a catalyst for action," write Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton in their book It's not the BIG and eats the SMALL... it's the FAST that eats the SLOW.


Business Crusade

How To Turn a Cause to a Crusade

Efficient Effectiveness

Strategic Motivation

Provide the Strategic Direction

Strategic Motivation and Strategy Implementation



Fast To Market e-Coach Innoball Vadim Kotelnikov innovation key quotes and concepts Beta Testing Improvisation-driven RPM Lean Production Empowered Cross-functional Team Guiding Principles Guiding Structure Innovation System Simulation Games Synergistic Team InspiredTeam Boosters  People How To Be Fast to Market: People, Enablers, Boosters, Innoball  

The cause must be big, bold, and aspirational to be turned to a crusade. It must come from the heart and appeal to the emotional man. To turn a big cause to a crusade, the corporate leader must live the cause and lead by example.




Disruption Strategy

Disruption is a force that every industry leader needs to embrace. A proactive disruption strategy can put your firm ahead of your competitors in years to come.

Adopt a disruption mindset and launch a crusade.


Business Cause


Market Leader

Leading vs. Lagging Companies