Glossary: Entrepreneurship
Green Entrepreneurship
Green entrepreneurship is the virtuous activity of consciously addressing environmental and social problems and needs, coming up with and implementing innovative entrepreneurial ideas that bring creative solutions to them.
Example of a Green Startup
Healthbiotics startup success story
Miss Innovation World award winner
Green Entrepreneurship vs. Environmentalism
Environmentalists talk. Entrepreneurs do.
Both activities are important and inspire each other.
Virtuous Entrepreneur
8-fold Noble Path of an Innopreenur
Green Startup
A green startup is a business venture founded by an entrepreneur who wants to play a remarkable role in a transition to positive entrepreneurship, sustainable-business practices and a sustainable world.
Lean Startup
Venture Design
Green Procurement and Green Startups
Green startups supply environmentally friendly products or services to green businesses who practice green procurement.
Circular Economy
Circular Business Models
Green Jobs
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