Glossary: Business  |  Economy





Circular Business Models





Circular business models are effective and efficient business models that are closing, narrowing, slowing, intensifying, and dematerializing loops, to minimize the resource inputs into and the waste and emission leakage out of the organizational system.

  Circular Business Model, Circular Economy diagram and mindset




Circular-Economy Mindset




Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker circular economy

The less waste we produce the richer and happier we are.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


The less waste we produce the richer and happier we are.

Every produced or unused waste is a missed entrepreneurial opportunity.

Every uneliminated waste in our workplace is a missed improvement opportunity.





A business model connects inputs to outputs – economic, financial, social, and environmental.





Circular business models integrate harmonious-growth and sustainable-business approaches, ecodesign, cleaner production, waste minimization, recycling measures (closing), efficiency improvements (narrowing), use phase extensions (slowing or extending), a more intense use phase (intensifying), and the substitution of product utility by service and software solutions (dematerializing).

While the initial focus of academic, industry, and policy activities was mainly focused on the development of re-X (reducing, recycling, remanufacturing, reuse, recovery) technology, it soon became clear that the technological capabilities increasingly exceed their implementation.

To leverage technological capabilities for the transition towards a Circular Economy, different stakeholders tend to work together. They shifts attention towards business model innovation as a key leverage for 'circular' technology adaption and harmonious innovation.




Circular Economy

A circular economy (also referred to as "circularity") is an economic system that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution.



Harmonious Mega-Innovation





Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

Love creates us when we create with love


Love creates us when we create with love
And pursue harmonious growth.
Universal laws
Help us stay on course.
We take care of our Mother Earth.
Let’s don’t put on the shelf
Our Higher Self!
Let’s take care of our Mother Earth!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov









Circular Development

Circular development is a model of economic, social and environmental production and consumption that aims to build a sustainable society based on a circular model. The aim is to enable economies and societies in general to become more autonomous, sustainable and in tune with the issue of environmental resources.


Efficiency and Productivity

Lean Production

Cleaner Production

Business Benefits of Eco-Effectiveness