Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), innopreneur coaching by example

Hello, my dear value creator, intelligent achiever, and impactful communicator. Now I'll explain you
why and how to understand and manage:

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon






The reality is the same, but
each person perceives it differently.

People see the same thing but
create different meanings in their mind.





Be aware of the lenses of our perceptions that make us see things as we are not as they are.

This is especially important in intercultural communication that has additional barriers to overcome.

  NLP Presuppositions Understanding Perceptions Self-Intelligence Empathize Emfograpics Ten3 Business e-Coach: global success Same Reality, Different Perceptions. Map is not the reality. Understand people perceptions emfographics by Vadim Kotelnikov with Julia Vostrilova



Truth and value are in the mind of your prospect.




Understand and Manage Perceptions in Negotiations and Conflicts  

If you want to persuade or influence another person:

① Acknowledge that your perception of the reality is not the reality itsels;

Empathize with the prospect to understand how s/he perceives the reality.




There is never just one way to look at something.





The famous story of the elephant and six blind men illustrate this all-important message:

If you look at something from one point of view only, your perception of the whole picture is far from the reality.

  Perceptions vs. Holistic View Elephant perceived by six blind men



Reframe a situation to discover other sides of it.




Best communication quotes by Vadim Kotelnikov: wind metaphor

If you want your message to hit the target,
make an adjustment to the wind.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


In communication, "making an adjustment to the wind" means taking into account perceptions and expectations of the other party and adapting a message accordingly to ensure that it produces the intended impact.




Take different perceptual positions to discover new features and understand the whole thing better.





Perception, different perceptions: emfograpics, Dennis Kotelnikov



The Elephant ant Six Blind Men

Perceptions are Selective

Mental Maps

Marketing is a Battle of Perceptions

How To Manage Perceptions

4 NLP Perceptual Positions

Ask Learning SWOT Questions





Effective Assessment of Business Ideas




Vadim Kotelnikov

4×2 Perceptual Positions is a fast-idea-evaluation technique that helps you gain new understanding through seeing things from different perspectives.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon





Learn from a great achiever.




Disney Creativity Strategy 3 roles dreamer realist critic emfographics  

Walt Disney was very successful at turning fantasies into reality.

Disney Creativity Strategy develops perception-based intelligence and reminds that it is important to check out how things might be seen from all three viewpoints before reaching a judgment.