Need for Transition to the New Management Model

For a long time, the conventional wisdom in business was that managers was that managers should do little else but keep a close eye on what their subordinates were doing: monitor, supervise, control. Making sure that things below were proceeding properly – that's all that managers were supposed to do.

Matsushita's 7 Core Principles of Management

The old management practice has been erected on the assumption of human limitations as a basis for organizing. This assumption of human limitations "is so pervasive that it can be found in almost every aspect of conventional managing, from the way we over-bureaucratize our organizations and control the workforce to the way we develop and impose strategies on others without their participation or consideration of their potential contribution," says William F. Joyce, the author of MegaChange.

In old-fashioned companies top managers do not inspire Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book employees and do not have direct contact with the employees who actually produce the company's products, while junior managers are not given a chance to do things on their own.

9 Signs of a Losing Organization

These old traditional ways of managing do not longer work well. Old corporate organizational structures – designed vertically, with matrix and ad hoc overlays – make professional work too complex and inefficient.





People are Your Company's Most Precious Recourse

In the new rapidly changing economy, people have become your firm's most precious and underutilized resource. They are your firm's repository of knowledge and they are central to your company's competitive advantage.

Well coached, energized and highly motivated people are critical to the development and execution of strategies, especially in today's faster-paced, more perplexing world, where top management alone can no longer assure your firm's competitiveness. At all levels, your company needs people who can deliver at the frontier of performance. They must understand where your company is going and be empowered to influence this path. They must share in your company's fortunes and be motivated to push for greater achievements and intrapreneurship.

These new realities brought about a new management and super-leadership model for the new era of rampant change.  >>>





"We have reached a limit to what can be accomplished using today's management approaches...
But by changing the way we manage, that constraint can be removed." 

~ Bruce A.Pasternack and Albert. J. Viscio, the authors of Centreless Corporation



Peter Drucker advice

Now the definition of manager is someone who makes knowledge productive.

Peter Drucker


Management Challenges for the 21st Century according toe Peter Drucker

❶ A systematic and organized method for obtaining information about the context of the business in the economy, its market and its pool of competitors.

❷ Integration of what was once several procedures – value analysis, process analysis, quality management and costing – into a single analysis.




Jack Welch advice business quotes

The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited.

All you have to do is tap into that well.

Jack Welch



Case Studies 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

When Jack Welch became CEO of General Electric (GE) in 1981, the system of management in place, commonly referred to as "command and control" was the same system that large corporations had used for years. "Workers worked, managers managed, and everyone new their place. Forms and approvals and bureaucracy ruled the day," writes Robert Slater, the author of Jack Welch and the GE Way.

Welch's goal was to make GE "the world's most competitive enterprise."

Jack Welch knew that it would take nothing less than a "revolution" to transform that dream into a reality. This self-proclaimed revolution meant waging war on GE's old ways of doing things and reinventing the company from top to bottom.

In the company's 1993 Annual Report, Welch noted, "To be blunt, the two quickest ways to part company with GE are, one, to commit an integrity violation, or, two, to be controlling, turf-defending oppressive manager who can't change and who saps and squeezes people rather than excites and draws out their energy and creativity."

The techniques and ideas that Welch has employed to move GE forward are applicable to any corporations, of any size and of any specialization.

New GE with its unique learning culture and boundaryless organization has become one the most admired company in the world... More