Meritocracy is a system, organization, or
society in which
are chosen and moved into positions of success, power, and influence on the
basis of their demonstrated abilities, effort, achievement, contribution,
and merit.
Advancement in such a system is based on
performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated
GE :
Jack Welch established a meritocracy in GE. Under
his leadership, GE switched to making hiring and promotion
decisions based on ability and achievement. GE
involved everyone, set
stretch targets, encouraged their people to take daring action, and
rewarded extraordinary achievements. The GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey
made meritocracy principles transparent and provided guidance for
performance measurement.
InnBall (Innovation
Brainball) entrepreneurial
simulation game is a great
meritocracy tool.
helps assess entrepreneurial
smartness of players,
find the right fit for each
of them, and
promote them accordingly.