Innopreneurial simulation game
"Innovation Football"
 helps strengthen an innovation team, business model Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book
sustainable competitive advantage Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and business strategies
‒ all within few hours.  >>>

VC investors and corporate managers of their innovation portfolio seek comparability, Innovation Football offers it.
Innoball helps both convert ideas into a profitable business and  assess the strength of a new venture, in particular its business model, business strategies, the team as a whole and each its member. >>>

Innoball - Innovation Football Benefits: Stronger Competitive Advantage, Business Strategies, Business Model, Entrepreneurial Games, Strategic Simulation, Vadim Kotelnikov

Innovation Team Assessment, Innovation Football, Innoball, entrepreneurial game, simulation

The objective of a startup team is to turn an idea into a great business.
Startup Business Plan may contain Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C,
but they are good enough until they meet with the first major
problem and strategy shift only. They don't look beyond that point.

Entrepreneurial simulation game Innovation Football is much more useful for developing a stronger business model, sustainable competitive advantage and the team as it helps to look far beyond the next corner and develop entrepreneurial strategies accordingly.  >>>

Simulation games Innovation Football and Innovation Chess for mature companies take into consideration such risks specific to large firms as corporate bureaucracy, risk aversion, competing strategies Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book,
resistance to change, competitive and price wars.

Innoball helps the project leader and the innovation team to see beyond the fuzzy front end, anticipate and deal effectively Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book with numerous opponents' counterattacks as
the radical innovation project evolves


Innovation Football for Startups is The Key Contest at Innompic Games

Assessing Team Capabilities and the Business Model

 Success Story: Innoball helps save US$ 2.5 million and 18 months

Educational Innoball-based Case Study: GE Digital X-Ray Project