Life-Business Synergy



Don't just balance, synergize life and business




Life-Business Synergy Life-Business Synergy Success e-Coach Emfographics featuring Dennis Higher Self Aeipathy Vadim Kotelnikov: coaching by example Life Mission Loving Creator Rediscover and Reinvent Waltz-Up with Everything Vadim Kotelnikov Stretch Goals Vision Life-Business Synergy, life design, positive entrepreneurship  

Great Life is not about life-business balance, it is about life-business synergy.

Business is not a money tool, it is a tool to make people happier.




Successful People win because they love what they do.  You cannot tell the dancer from the dance. Similarly, you cannot tell a passionate innovator from from s/his Love-driven Business.



Positive Entrepreneurship

Innompic Song



Life-Business Synergy happiness quotes Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Planet of Loving Creators  

Actually, your overwhelming noble passion is your life mission.

If you find your true passion and devote yourself to it, you’ll find harmony and happiness in your life. You’ll be achieving great results continually and effortlessly.





Coaching by Example




Happy Business quotes Vadim Kotelnikov business is to make people happier Innompic Planet of Loving Creators  

I discovered my first life mission and true passion in 2001 and invented this inspirational Business e-Coach that helps people and organizations awaken their inner genius and become relentless passionate creators and innovators.




In 2010, I discovered my second, a bigger life mission and Founded Innompic Games that
turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators.







Succeeding in life and business requires
a strong intention to succeed.





"How to" is secondary. Get inspired first.

Have a dream. If you really want something you’ll invent amazing ways to achieve it.

  How To Discover Life Mission, Vadim Kotelnikov



Engage Your HIGHERsight

Identify your true passions and do what you love to do




Innovation is love Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Innompic Planet of Loving Creators  

What do you love to do?

Who are you professionally?

Who are you – really?

What are your dreams and fears?

Adopt an achiever mindset and create a road map from your dreams to reality.




Start the transition to a new you to make a difference and to achieve the results that are beyond your wildest dreams.




VadiK quotes Life Symphony Hold to the things that catch your soul learn mind pursue heart  

To achieve Happiness 360, find or create a working environment where you are allowed to be yourself and feel liberated to do your work as the best expression of yourself, your dreams, and your abilities




Your Inspiring Life Vision and Stretch Goals




Life Deisgn quotes VadiK Loving Creator  

Your vision performs both a directional and a motivational function.

The purpose of your vision of a desirable future is to inspire, provide direction, and focus you on those things you could do now to bring that future state about.



Man is a god potential VadiK quotes  

Set stretch goals on your journey to your vision and your true self.

Stretch goals energize and push you to work both smarter and harder at meeting more difficult targets and to achieve more than if you had set an easier goal.



Vadim Kotelnikov

Great Life is not about life-business balance, it is about life-business synergy.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon





Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example


 SuperCreativity 360/24 rapid learning course by VadiK

Happy Business, life-business