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Happiness is the light that flows inside out,
not outside in.
The address of your happiness is www.your.mind.
The only thing you need to embrace happiness for life is to commit to it.
~ Vadim Kotelnikov
There are two worlds: The World of Happy and The World of Unhappy. You can choose to live in any of them ‒ either just for now or permanently.
If you wish to catch the bluebird of happiness, set your love free.
Happiness is not about life-business balance, it is about life-business synergy.
Happy Business is about all-inclusive love and making all stakeholders happier.
External victories bring temporary happiness. Conquering yourself brings lasting happiness.
Guard your happiness. Don't let bad wishers harm your happiness, confidence and self-esteem.
Happiness is love: love life, love what you do, love all people, love the world.
Happy vs. Unhappy People
Happiness is Love 360
5 Keys to Happiness
Happiness Quotes
Vadim Kotelnikov Quotes
Life | Love | Superconscious
Creativity | Innovation | Learning
Leadership | Change | Life Design
Happiness is about believing in your life cause and understanding that each step on your life journey makes a positive contribution to it.
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