VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Behavioral Change Program

Key Elements  ▪  Best Practices  ▪  Examples

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

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Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Do you want to turn employees to self-leaders or intrapreneurs?

The challenge and the shape of an organization's behavioral change program depends on the desired strategic stretch, the corporate culture and the targeted behaviors that need to be changed.




Components of a Behavioral Change Program

→ Ensure effective top-management sponsorship

→ Create a guiding coalition of change leaders

→ Establish a culture of creative dissatisfaction

→ Establish and communicate stretch targets

→ Practice inclusive transformational leadership

Eliminate bureaucracy

Design sponsor-agent-target efforts

→ Use KoRe super-tools to grow people 10+ and design more effective change implementation strategies

→ Empower intrapreneurs

→ Create incentives to inspire the desired behavior and therein reinforce the virtuous spiral of change in the learning wheel

→ Communicate expectations and progress

→ Commit to a virtuous spiral journey

→ Make change fun

→ Celebrate victories and reward champions


How To Overcome Resistance To Change

Common Ways

Eliminate Bureaucracy



Jump In

Leave Comfort Zone

Ask Learning SWOT Questions

25 Lesson from Jack Welch, GE

Eliminate Bureaucracy

Get Less Formal

Instill Confidence

Adhere to Work-Out






Start the Behavioral Change with Yourself

The best place to start a behavioral change program is with yourself. If you want other people to change, you must be prepared to make the first step yourself and lead others by example. Be always inspired, creatively dissatisfied, and energized.. More

  Winners vs. Losers: Personal Resistance To Change




Success Story: Cultural Change at Unilever

When team members at Unilever began to design a new leadership development initiative for top managers, they knew that the global company needed something to help it become a more enterprising and competitive industry leader. So, they proposed to fundamentally change leadership behaviors and create an entirely new, enterprising corporate culture.

"As we launched into our growth strategy, I realized that I didn't feel right: something was missing," says Antony Burgmans, Co-chairman of Unilever. "We were doing all the right things: a new, focused strategy; shareholder support; a new organization structure; and good people in place. But something was wrong – the critical piece was missing. What I saw was that even though we had an excellent change strategy, and an inspiring vision, what was really required to bring about change at Uniliver was a new culture, a new leadership mindset, and new behaviors."... More


Proactive Futuring

Exceed the Desired Results

Creating Change

Making Big Changes

Organizational Transformation

Leading Change

Leading Organizational Change

Transformational Leader: 6 Skills

High-Performing Culture

Employee Performance





Success Story: Behavioral Change Program at Monsanto

As a part of the organizational transformation journey, the Monsanto's Core 32 behavioral change program used several techniques that included:

360-degree feedback to obtain information from superiors, peers, and subordinates that can be practically applied to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

▪ Generous listening to enhance understanding, not just of words, but of the emotional context of the message... More


Reward System at Monsanto

Organizational Change

Organizational Change System

Jack Welch's 7-Point Change Program for Corporate Leadership

Why Change Fails




Success Story: GE Work Out

The GE Work-Out is a revolutionary method for busting bureaucracy & attacking organizational problems.

As a behavioral change program, Work-Out encourages people to toss out any idea, no matter how minor, how crazy, how seemingly impossible. And the process helps people learn how to think laterally and , think "out-of-the-box", build on each other's ideas, and combine ideas... More


GE Work Out


Problems Addressed

5 Growth Dimensions

7 Steps

5 Sessions





More Examples of Successful Change Management:

Donald Trump as a Transformational Leader

Why Trump Succeeds as a Disruptive Change Leader: 8 Keys

GE: Create Change

GE: Organizational Transformation

GE: 25 Lessons from Jack Welch

BP: Organizational Change