VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Inclusive Leadership

Balanced approach to creating value for all stakeholders

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), inclusive leader, founder, Innompic Games

In an inclusive company, inclusive leaders create a family-like atmosphere and an inclusive workplace.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Short-sighted business managers focus on KPI and short-term profits.

Wise inclusive leaders strive to create balanced value for all stakeholders because they realize that each and every company exists in a complex social, economic, educational and governmental ecosystem.





Coaching by Example




VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Innompic Games & Ecosystem

that unite innovators, celebrate diversity and turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators are a great example of inclusivity

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon





Systems Approach

Inclusive leaders embrace systems thinking and perceive the organization holistically as a complex system of mutually interdependent relationships. Inclusive leaders see the full picture and understand the links between the organization and the wider socio-economic environment. They see and lead organizational change in the context of digital transformation and social change.

Inclusive leaders pay due attention to development of an inspiring yet achievable vision of the organization's future because they understand the nature of the interdependence that exists between the organization and its dynamic environment. An inclusive vision should meet the needs of of the key stakeholders and at the same time provide the basis for an enterprise strategy to develop and sustain a competitive advantage.



Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders

Corporate Leader

Systems Thinking

What Leaders Do

Inclusive Company

Happy Business

Inclusive Workplace

Copenhagen Charter

Leveraging Diversity

Synergize Diversities





Inclusive leader strive to create balanced value for all stakeholders: customers, stockholders, employees, suppliers and the community at large.


Harmonious Growth

Harmonious Company: 5 Basic Elements




Alexander the Great leadership quotes

Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.

the Great




Lao Tzu advice quotes teachings

The great Way is easy, yet people prefer the side paths. Be aware when things are out of balance. Stay centered within the Tao >>>

Lao Tzu



Coaching by Example

Launched in 2017, Innompic Games INNOMPIC GAMES were designed as an all-inclusive venture that provides a breakthrough solution to 7 global challenges, helps people grow as creative entrepreneurs and turns the Earth to the Planet of Loving Creators.  >> 

   Inclusive Leadership Innompic Planet of Loving Creators Dare to Love Make a Difference

Benefits for All



A Set of Values of an Inclusive Leader

Adopt and live a set of values that assign high priority to human relationships and the elevation of service above self-interest, include respect for the individual, and restraint in the use of power. Inclusive leadership values should also reflect a concern for environment and sustainable development.



Vadim Koelnikov personal logo

Smart & Fast

Leadership Success 360






Values-based Leadership

Values-based leadership is about creating conditions under which all followers become self-leaders who can perform independently and effectively toward a shared objective... More









Innovation Creativity Management 4 Levels of Problem Solving Harnessing the Power of Diversity Synergize Diversities Managing and Leveraging Diversity Inclusive Leadership Cross-pollination of Ideas Cross-functional Teams How To Leverage Diversity Benefits multicultural collaboration


"If people are coming to work excited . . . if they're making mistakes freely and fearlessly . . . if they're having fun . . . if they're concentrating doing things, rather than preparing reports and going to meetings - then somewhere you have leaders." ~ Robert Townsend

"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are moving." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

More Leadership Quotes


Inclusive Leadership Style and Approach1

  • Vision: the inspirational and visionary qualities of transformational leadership

  • Learning: the willingness to learn, and to facilitate the learning of others, of the learning leader

  • Stewardship: acting as a custodian of the organization's reputation, resources and future

  • Service: the perception of leadership as service – to the community at large as well as to the organization

  • Sharing: the willingness to share the leadership role with others

'One plus Five' Task of Inclusive Leadership3

  • Five: refers to the five key relationships - with:

    1. employees

    2. customers

    3. investors

    4. suppliers

    5. community

  • One: refers to the central role of leadership in providing a vision and the style of leadership which empowers people and the various stakeholder groups and enables them to focus on how to achieve, and share in, sustainable development.

Creative Leadership DOs and DON'Ts

  • Don't assume you know it all; Seek ideas from all team members... More


 Case in Point  Ford Motor Company

According to Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of Ford Motor Company, the distinction between a good company and a great one is that a good company delivers excellent products and services, while a great company delivers excellent products and services and strives to improve the world.

Overall, Ford believes that the company needs leaders who can make informed business decisions and who can help the company better meet customer needs, increase shareholder value, and honor responsibilities to society.

Ford Motor Company is very serious about training new leaders who will help the company to prepare for a new business era and reach its goal of making a difference in the world. Ford provides training for its leaders in the Ford Leadership Center, where the focus in on building leaders, both men and women, who know how to get things done through the talents of their people... More