Yin and Yang of Motivation



Fear and Desire




Yin and Yang of Motivation Fear Desire, how to motivate  

A motivated person is:

▪ positive and proactive;

▪ ignited by purpose and energized;

▪ achievement-focused and determined to succeed





Burning desire, aspiration and ambition are powerful intrinsic motivators.

People may desire more achievements, more recognition, more freedom, more time, more friends, more wealth, more energy, more health, etc. All of these can serve as positive motivators.

Start with creating an exciting big picture of the desired future and nurturing creative dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. Ask people how they think they could progress towards the stretch goals and the next level of their performance. Encourage them to do so and show confidence in their capabilities.



The Power of Motivation

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation


Love What You Do

Pragmatic Motivation

Incentive Motivation

Reward System






Fear is a powerful motivator. Fear to miss something or face unpleasant consequences if you don't act are well known motivators.

Every time you overcome fear you become stronger and learn something very important to be used in future. 


9 Laws of Motivation

Synergistic Motivation

Motivating a Person

Needs of Team Members




You can also use fear to discover opportunities because the presence of fear often means that something unknown is about to happen, and with change comes opportunity.

Embracing fear means embracing innovation. You cannot grow unless you stretch yourself and take exciting next steps into an unfamiliar territory.




Use Fear to Motivate Yourself

Here is how you can use fear to motivate yourself – and others. Create a miserable picture about your future life presuming that you have never tried to unlock your true potential and never achieved your inspiring vision of the desired future.



4 Techniques

5 NLP Rules

8 Needs that Motivate



Personal Breakthrough Stretch Goals Burning Desire Dennis Kotelnikov Winners vs. Losers Emfographics 6 Minsdests of a Great Achiever Self-Motivation Commitment Cherish Your Visions Burning Belief "I Have a Difference To Make!" (song) 5 Rules of Self-Motivation BE MAD Optimistic Thinking Motivation Self-Motivation  

From that miserable state, look back at your today's choices and regret as deeply as you can that you cannot turn the time back in order to make the right decision and take the right action.

Now, return to the reality and do the things you just wanted to do... More