VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov


Fueling the desire to do something important

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


  Yin and Yang of Motivation Fear Desire, how to motivate, e-coach Vadim Kotelnikov  


The Power of Motivation

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Yin and Yang of Motivation

Synergistic Motivation

Motivating a Person

8 Needs that Motivate

Pragmatic Motivation

Needs of Team Members

Incentive Motivation



Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of HUMANITY Games speaker on motivation

A holy place should not be just a destination of a journey – the whole journey should be a holy place.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


The greatest achievers are not those who are skilled best, but those who are motivated most.

Skilled but not motivated ones do what they have to do. Highly motivated ones stretch themselves, learn new skills easier, and do their best




To motivate your people, find the right fit for every person, help them grow, make them feel valued, share gains with them, and make the work fun.


Relentless Growth Attitude




  Examples Reward Systems Synergistic Motivation The Power of Motivation Motivating Passion Innovation is Love Vadim Kotelnikov Example: Give a WOW Synergistic Motivation - Passion, Rewards, Recognition  

9 Laws of Motivation

Strategic Motivation

Shared Vision

Strategic Direction

Stretch Goals

Reward Systems


Gain Sharing






  Attitude Motivation: how to motivate employees - inspiring work, energizing relationships  

Impact Crusader

Loving Creator

Attitude Motivation

Why Attitude Motivation

Yin and Yang of Attitude Motivation


Examples of Attitude Motivation




  Personal Breakthrough Stretch Goals Burning Desire Dennis Kotelnikov Winners vs. Losers Emfographics 6 Minsdests of a Great Achiever Self-Motivation Commitment Cherish Your Visions Burning Belief "I Have a Difference To Make!" (song) 5 Rules of Self-Motivation BE MAD Optimistic Thinking Motivation Self-Motivation  

Intrinsic Motivation

Burning Desire


Love What You Do


4 Techniques

5 NLP Rules

Create a Vision

Creative Dissatisfaction

Can-Do Attitude




One World One Way Many Paths cultural differences East vs. West  

See farther by standing on "the shoulders of giants"


On the soulders of giants


Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

By paying more attention to employees' strengths, you would be more likely to think of ways to
put those strengths to good use.

Konosuke Matsushita



Michael Dell advice

Mobilize your people around a common goal. Help them feel a part of something genuine, special, and important.

Michael Dell<


Steve Jobs advice quotes

My job is to not be easy on people.
My job is to make them better.

Steve Jobs



Bill Gates advice

Pick good people, use small teams,
give them excellent tools.

Bill Gates



Akio Morita advice quotes Sony

From a management standpoint, it is very important to know how to unleash people's inborn creativity.

Akio Morita


Jack Welch advice business quotes

Provide rewards for the soul and for the wallet.

Jack Welch



Sam Walton's rules for buiding a great business

A paycheck and a stock option will buy one kind of loyalty. But nothing can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, sincere words of praise.

Sam Walton