a GREATbody
Be a GREATbody, not just a
somebody. Don't strive to be
'liked', strive to create a
greater value for others and to
make greater positive impact.
Dream BIG DREAMS, commit to your
true passion, and
you will learn to fly!
You are who you are for a higher
reason. Discover that reason!
Dare to dream big dreams and do
something impossible − you are
much greater than you think you
The bigger the challenge you
address, the bigger your
Stretch your imagination and
efforts, and they will stretch
your capabilities and
achievements beyond imagination.
Stretch yourself! It is only by
doing impossible that you can
discover and unlock your true
potential. Don't be afraid to
bite off more than anyone can
chew ‒ and chew it! Stretch your
goals and your goals will
stretch you.
Daily Exercise #1
Take time to think like an
almighty Creator ─ because you
Best things come to s/him who
acts on s/his big noble dream
passionately, believes that s/he
can make it a reality, and never
gives up.
Learning SWOT Questions
Life-Business Synergy
Love and
Happiness 360
by Example
Planet of
Loving Creators
is Love
Anthem of
Creative Sustainability Leaders |