Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), innopreneur coaching by example

Hello, my dear creative achiever, daring value innovator, and passionate difference maker!

Now, I'll share with you my inspirations on:

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Drivers of Innovation



Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation of innovators






Burning passion is the main driver of innovation.

If you love what you do and love your customers, you'll keep creating amazing value innovations for your loved ones relentlessly.

  Passion is a main driver of Innovation: love what you do and customers



Vadim Kotelnikov

Coaching by Example

Love for the world and all people is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of rewards.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Vadim Kotelnikov on organizational structures for innovation

To me, innovating is like breathing – I just cannot stop innovating.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


The driving force of innovation is love.
By its nature innovation is a science-flavored art.
The process of innovation, ideally, is jazz − improvisation within a guiding structure,
in reality, it is a football game.



Innotheus Proactive Futuring SuperCreativity Vadim Kotelnikov Higher Sense Loving Creator Breaks Through Planet of Loving Ceators Expands Horizons Innotheus, innopreneur, Vadim Kotelnikov, teachning by example  

As an Innotheus and a proactive futurist,
I create Blue Oceans and new trends
that change the World.

I help also others grow as world changers.





C-level Support

C-level and leadership support is a key driver of an innovation function's success.


Innovation Leader

KoRe 10 Tips




Culture for Innovation

An inspiring culture is highly important for success. How can your corporate culture drive successful innovation? Be inventive – you must amaze, inspire, and enthuse your people. Empower intrapreneurs and encourage them to experiment with promising ideas.


Culture for Innovation

Inspiring Culture

Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction




Inclusive Climate for Innovation

Leading companies that create a climate and an environment where empowered employees are encouraged and rewarded for making contributions of their street-smarts in order to fuel the company's soft-innovation efforts keep inventing amazing customer experiences and new avenues for growth.


Climate for Innovation

Soft and Hard Innovation

Examples of Soft Innovation




Gain Sharing

Gain sharing encourages people to do their best, conserve resources, and collaborate synergistically in order to produce greater results... More


Incentive Motivation

Examples of Reward Systems




Leveraging Diversity

Synergizing diversity unleashes power on both personal and organizational level. To be successful in today's complex, rapidly changing and highly competitive world, you must embrace, manage and synergize critical opposites.

You can inspire innovation and find a strategic competitive advantage in an organizational and cultural context by seeking to leverage, rather than diminish, opposite forces. People with different cultural, educational, scientific, and business backgrounds will bring different frames of reference to a problem and can spark an exciting and dynamic cross-pollination of ideas.

Pay due attention to developing strong and innovative individuals, functions and stand-alone businesses because synergized diversity only works when the elements of that diversity are strong and innovative in their own right.

Empowered Cross-functional Innovation Teams

A diversity of ideas and opinions are needed to generate high quality solutions. Innovation depends upon the individual and collective expertise of employees.

In the new era of systemic innovation, it is more important for an organization to be cross-functionally excellent than functionally excellent.




In addition to formal planning at the business level, best-practice companies use super-gamification tools and crosscutting initiatives on major issues in order to challenge assumptions and open up the organization to new thinking.


Organizational Structures for Innovation

4 Keys to Success of Innovation Functions





Super-Gamification Tools

Corporate Innompic Games inspire and unite innovators, boost their innopreneurial capabilities and intrinsic motivation.

InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) entrepreneurial simulation game helps implement promising ideas successfully and reduce risks, inspires entrepreneurial creativity, boosts anticipation skills, and strengthens intellectual teamwork.


Innompic Games

Art of Innovation A-Z/360

Accelerated Learning



Strengthening Business Case



Drivers of Innovation: InnoBall entrepreneurial simulation game




Innovation Process A-to-Z/360