VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Impactful VC Investor Pitch Deck

10 Elements

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Know how to present your company to prospective angel or venture capital investors.




VC Investor Pitch template 10 issues, Startup Venture Presentation  

Understand what every inventor wants to know, and nail your investor pitch deck.

The pitch deck is intended to showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to the investors.

It typically consists of 10-20 slides in a PowerPoint presentation





10 Elements of a VC Investor Pitch Deck




Company Overview, Vision, Mission, Team

Do you best to convince prospective investors that your company has the opportunity to grow big.

Introduce the leader of the venture,, the management team, and their qualifications in this field, venturepreneurial team.

 Remember that a company’s founder and team are the most important determinant of whether or not to invest for many investors. So, you and your team should make a powerful first impression.


First Impressionsim



Venture Marketer

 Entrepreneurial Vision


Entrepreneurial Team




Problem Addressed, Market Opportunity

How big is the problem? Why is it important? Who are you solving the problem for?

Keep in mind that Investors want to invest in big opportunities with large addressable markets.

Define the market you are in, set forth the dollar market size and show that your company will be addressing a large part of that big market.


Customer Needs

What Makes People Buy

Create Customers

Sell Benefits

Selling is Problem Solving





Solution, Product, Technology

Explain why users would care about the product. Demonstrate that your solution is radically new, a unique, has a sustainable competitive advantage and is well differentiated.

Describe its current key features and what additional product features are planned. List major product milestones. Show that you have more than just an idea ─ demonstrate a prototype.


4 How of Developing a Great New Product

Yin and Yang of Value Innovation

Radical Innovation

Milestone Chart





Show that you understand that customer of radical innovations are different from vast majority of customers and need to be approached differently. Describe your staged marketing strategy.


List both main direct and indirect competitors. Don't underestimate or belittle the competition. Show how your company will Stand Out from your competition.





Show that you have got early traction on developing the product, getting customers, or signing up partners.

Display your business development milestone chart that shows the milestones completed.


PPSWMT Investor Pitch Template recommended by Sequoia Capital

Beta Testing




Business Model

Describe your business model and why you selected this one.  What is the long-term customer value? How do you make money? What is the pricing model?


Strengthen Business Design with InnoBall entrepreneurial simulation game




Marketing Plan

Describe marketing and customer acquisition strategies, channels, and costs. Showcase early successes you had, and list the channels that have worked so far. What early buzz or press have you gotten?


Marketing Plan

4 1/2 Marketing Issues

Creative Marketing

Digital Marketing






Demonstrate cash flow forecast. Don’t provide excessive financial details, because that can be provided in a follow-up to those interested.


High Profits

Business Plan

Venture Management




The Ask and Exit Strategy

Spell out exactly what you are asking the investors for. List other VC investors who are in the deal. Explain how the investors will get their money out and when.


Venture Valuation

Investor Return Options

Exit Strategy






Vadim Kotelnikov

Give innovative entrepreneurs a venture capital fund, and you'll feed few of them for a while. Give innovative entrepreneurs Innompic Games, and you'll feed all of them for centuries ahead!

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon